
Had my 1st IM stim shot last night...:-(

OK so DH gave me my shot in my backside last night and it wasn't that bad.  I think the anxiety of it all was worse...I just can't seem to get the whole "giving myself a shot" thing down.

So anyway, I wake up this morning and my backside hurts!!!  I am absolutely dreading that I have to take one in the other cheek shortly.  :(  I am beginning to wonder if he did it wrong...or maybe I'm just a big baby.

Did you ladies do anything specific to alleviate the cheek muscle pain...should I ice it afterwards?  Any insight would be greatly appreciated!  TIA!

On a side note, I just want to say to GL to all the ERs today!!   

TTC since April 2008. DH: severe MFI; IVF w/ICSI X 2 = BFN. SAIFW!

Re: Had my 1st IM stim shot last night...:-(

  • smeyersmeyer member

    I never iced or used heat for IM injections but a lot of people do.  My big tip is to make sure your muscle is totally relaxed before injecting into it.  I'd lean forward a bit (maybe against the bathroom counter or other piece of furniture) and take all of the weight off the leg on the side of that night's injection before DH would inject.  Also, some people prefer to sit on a heating pad for a few minutes after the shot.  HTH!  :) 

  • Ooh!  Good advice - I think I was totally tensed up!  Thank you!
    TTC since April 2008. DH: severe MFI; IVF w/ICSI X 2 = BFN. SAIFW!
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  • ams8099ams8099 member

    I never iced or used heat for IM injections but a lot of people do.  My big tip is to make sure your muscle is totally relaxed before injecting into it.  I'd lean forward a bit (maybe against the bathroom counter or other piece of furniture) and take all of the weight off the leg on the side of that night's injection before DH would inject.  Also, some people prefer to sit on a heating pad for a few minutes after the shot.  HTH!  :) 

    Yup! I iced it before hand and  used heat after. DH also massaged the area too. PP is right, don't put any weight in that side. I still ached a little, but not much. Good luck!

    Our IVF Miracles! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • Definitely put heat on the area after the shot! It works wonders.

    Good luck today :) 

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  • I was told that moist heat works best after the shot.  DH gets a wash cloth really hot and then massages the area with it.  It as really helped, but honestly by bum is still a little sore.
  • OK - the second shot is done and over with.  I tried not to tense up too much but the brevelle stung when it went in.  I didn't try the ice or heat but will try that today and tomorrow and see what works best.

    Thanks a million ladies!! 

    TTC since April 2008. DH: severe MFI; IVF w/ICSI X 2 = BFN. SAIFW!
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