Kids are parked in front of the tv eating yogurt and apples, because we had a huge storm last night and it's too wet and cold outside to go and play.
DH is making a manly Home Depot run, in an attempt to get something done around the house today. Apparently, though, the trucks you can rent at HD are only for hauling crap home that you bought there, not anything useful like taking massive debris piles to the dump.
I am painting the furnace room wall, because I have shiny new sets of storage shelves to assemble down there, and it desperately needs to be freshened up before I set up three 65 lbs sets of shelves that may never be moved again.
Re: Morning, ladies. Whatcha up to today?
We are all up. Just hanging out in our pj's. We have my cousin's daughter's communion party today. It's so dark and dreary here!! Thunderstroms this morning.
DH just took DS to his gym class. I just put DD down for a much needed nap since she's been up since 5:00. Now I should be folding laundry...but I'm not.
We were supposed to do a fun outdoor activity with MIL for our Mother's Day Celebration this afternoon but the weather isn't cooperating so I'm trying to come up with something else other than just going out for lunch.
(Any MA ladies been to the Discovery Museum in Acton? Is it a huge mistake to go on a rainy Saturday? Looks cute, but not very big.)
Christmas 2011
I am sitting on my recliner, with my feet up and my blankie. I am toggling between work stuff and Facebook.
We are heading up north (Well, really east) to a friends cabin. I am dreading it since it is so cold. But, it will be fun I am sure. Thank goodness it is only an hour away. That is so my kind of road trip.