We are going in two weeks and DH's boss recenty went and has him all scared that it is going to suck, that the lines will all be impossible and that the food situation will be horrendous. So, any tips for navigating Disney with the almost 3.5yo and 1.5yo? The day we got to Magic Kingdom we are having breakfast in Cinderella's Castle first (I think it is 8:45 and really need to double check.) And I think we might do Animal Kingdom if my Mom and the kids seem up to it. And we are doing Sea World too since we have season passes for all Busch Garden parks. Thanks!
Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies
Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
Re: OMG, DH wanted me to post a ? about Disney World
it's really hit or miss with Disney. But you will be there early so I wouldn't worry too too much. Make sure though that if your reservations are that early, that you plan on it accordingly. It might take you an hour once you get in the parking lot to actually get the the castle.
Other than that, I don't see what could go wrong with the food situation. We go all the time and we have a 4 and two year old (we live fairly near and take the kids several time a year).
The only thing that might kill you is the heat, we are in SOuth Florida and it's been soooooooooooo hot (I am also 7 months pregnant so I might not be right lol).
oh and I am not a fan of AK especially not in the heat. I would rather do a water park instead!
We've gone to Disney in May before. I think it was the second week in May. There were no lines, it was pretty warm, but had nothing on going over the summer.
Breakfast at the castle will be fun. I was actually surprised that my son liked it as much as he did.
Each park has a baby changing area. Make sure you find it right away. It's air conditioned, clean, and they have a water cooler you can use to fill up water bottles and or sippy cups.
We've taken my son at 14m, 3y, and my daughter at 6m. The last time we went my son wanted to do everything so it wasn't exactly a relaxing vacation but we never had a bad time.
I'd say, like any vacation with small children, try not to expect too much. There will be lines (but they probably sell those passes that make it a little better). Pack food and/or get the meal package - we had some friends who said the meal package saved them some $$$. Be prepped to leave (and come back) to the parks so LOs can take naps. Be patient with the children and enthusiastic. Don't push anything if they seem scared. Expect to be exhausted! Heck, DH and I went to Orlando by ourselves a few years ago without kids and it was exhausting!
On the bright side - you'll get great photo ops, and I'm sure the wide eyes on your LO's when they see everything will be so much fun! Take a day at the pool, too!
Are you on the dining plan? If you are or not, make reservations for any of the sit down restaurants. I live 1 1/2 from Disney and can never get in to any restaurants without calling or booking online first.
Give yourself plenty of time to get into Magic Kingdom and get to the castle. You need to take a tramcar and then either a monorail or boat to get to the park's main entry gate.
You can bring in water, snacks, sandwiches and the like. They allow soft sided coolers and other bags. Drink plenty of water! It is already in the 90's here every day and warm at night too. Wear plenty of sunscreen!
The key is planning. I find DD (3 1/2) loves fantasyland and Mickey's tune town. PM me if you have any questions. We have annual passes and have gone 5 times since October!
If your husbands boss went two weeks ago he was there at the height of April vacations. It totally sucks then. Crowds should be considerably thinned out now. I would not do Animal Kingdom in the afternoon. It is for some reason the hottest place on earth unless you go in the early morning.
If you are doing dining at sit down restaurants, make reservations.
We've been twice. 1st time our kids were 2.5 and 8 mos and we went in Feb. No lines, decent weather (we're from MI, so if it's sunny and 60 we're happy) and the kids had a good time, but didn't really get everything.
Went again this year in Dec, school was out so the lines were awful. But, we still made the best of it, got fast passes for the things with long lines and were able to do them all in the evening with no wait. The kids loved it, DH was the one that was miserable b/c he can't stand waiting in line.
I'd go, for sure. Just don't go on a weekend or when school is out. Make sure you go on a night when they are open late and have fireworks and a parade. That is the best part for the little ones, IMO.
My recommendation is to get up and go first thing in the morning, stay through lunch and then return to the hotel for naps. You can come back after for the evening/dinner.
You can bring in a cooler, so don't be afraid to pack water and snacks - this way you dong always have to shell out big $$ for those things.
school will still be in so it will not be super busy!!
Go to animal kingdom as it opens and do the safari. That is when the animals are out. otherwise they are hard to see.
other than that no advice, as we have not been there with a child. but I do know it is off season until school lets out.
We are going to Disney in 2 weeks as well! I have a 5yo, 2.5yo and 2mo. We are doing MK and AK and possibly SeaWorld as well. The crowd index for the week doesn't look bad, it's a 4 which is the lowest it gets. (thursday, May 27th is higher for some reason and memorial day weekend will be BUSY!) Are you staying on property or off? If off, avoid the days that the particular parks offer extended magic hours (those are for people staying on property only), they are busier days for those parks.
Definitely get there when the park opens and try to hit the most popular attractions first. Shouldn't be too bad for you b/c obviously no roller coasters. You will be surprised how many rides at MK your kids will be able to do.
We went 18mo ago (in Nov) when DD was 3.5 and DS was 10mo. We stayed with friends off property so we didn't leave for the afternoon. We got there when the park opened and left at 4pm after the parade. DD had a great time and was exhausted. Our friends had a 2yo and the 2yo and 10mo napped in the stroller with no problem.
Have you been to the disboards? www.disboards.com There is a ton of info on the forums there!
Have fun!