H and I were talking tonight about infertility and our future.
What we'd do if this cycle works but we have no frosties, etc.
One of the things on the table is not pursuing IF treatments again if we conceive, the other is selective treatments (i.e. IVF with a single embryo transfer).
If you are blessed enough to conceive will you continue pursuing treatments to grow your family or will you just pull the goalie and let sleeping dogs lie?
Re: strange question
Well, if I could get pregnant, I think I'd be satisfied with only one.
But I've never wanted a lot of children...the most I'd ever want is 2, MAYBE 3. When DH and I adopt, unless we get the chance to have twins (I'd love it!), I think we'll most likely only adopt one child. Unless we were presented with siblings or something....
We'll pursue treatments again at least once. I almost feel greedy saying that considering how badly we all just want that first one in our arms, you know? But I've always wanted 4 children. I know that would be asking for a lot and that we probably won't get it, but I'd like to give 2+ a shot.
But then again I guess it depends how long it takes to conceive #1.
When you say selective treatments do you mean you would do the full IVF cycle again and put back one at a time, or just if you have frosties from this cycle?
I hate that any of us have to compromise the size family we want because of stupid IF.
DD (5 years old) from IUI in 2012
TTC 3rd and final!: IUI #1 in progress!
we want 4 too. It makes the idea of that so much harder.
When I say selective treatments I mean doing a full IVF cycle but only transferring back one at a time and freezing anything else.
I'm praying upon prayers that we have embryos to freeze tomorrow and I can put these thoughts in the back of my mind for just a little while.
DH and I have talked about this too. We definitely want more than one. How many more....not quite sure.
DH already has 1 child from a previous marriage.
I've always said I don't want to have an only child (I am one and hated it).
Since I'm going into this already having a stepdaughter - I don't know. I think I would like at least 2 biological children if I'm lucky enough to have that. 3 would be ideal for me, though. That's always been my "dream" number for my family. I guess at this point, it depends on what it ends up taking to actually get number 1....and then the financials of what it will take to have more.
DH keeps saying I need to just have twins and be done. When he says this (jokingly), I keep thinking that I don't know if I would want to be done, though. I might want to experience being pregnant more than once. Of course, my opinions may well change when the reality of the situation sets in, too!
So, yes...we want to have more than one. The reality of it highly depends on what it takes for the first, though.
Good luck on your transfer tomorrow, Nikki!
Same for us. Its easy to say that you won't go beyond 2 IVFs lets say. But when you are directly in the situation, the tables are turned. I never in a million years would think that I would have chosen to go through 4 IVFs. But something, I guess its pure desire, overtakes me.
At this point I don't know exactly what we will do next. I know its probably DS. But I don't know when or what we will do about the $$$ of it.