I figured I could always come here for baby help so I thought I would try to get personal help as well! I went to the Doc Wednesday morning because I woke up at 2am the night before with my foot killing me and by morning I could barely walk or bend my toes up. Doc said it was just inflammed and to take ibuprofin for the inflammation and pain. Well, yesterday it felt maybe a tiny bit better. Today however, it has taken over almost my whole leg. This morning it was my calf and now it's radiating up to my knee and lower thigh. It almost feels as if I have a leg cramp but thirty times worse and like it's burning and throbbing?? Anyone have any suggestions? Hubby is out of town and I am home with kids alone and am almos tin tears!! Help!!
Re: NBR: Any nurses/docs/medical folks online?
I really think you should go to the Dr. ASAP. good luck
Blood clot. I've had them. Find someone to watch the kids and go to the ER. They are very scarey but if they are treated soon enough they won't be life threatening.
Good luck. I hope you're feeling better soon.
Is your leg swollen? hot to the touch (esp the sore area)? I also had a clot in my leg years ago. I was lucky that they found it, but it can be SUPER dangerous depending how deep it is.
Just call the doc, tell him/her your concern adn ask if you can get an ultrasound to rule out any problems. It is ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry!
I'm a nurse practitioner, and I agree 100% with everyone here.... I would be very concerned about a DVT (clot). You need to have this checked out asap -- if this is the problem it is life-threatening.
I hope and pray this is not the case, but I'd hate for you to find out the hard way ! I know it sucks to think about having an ER visit, and spending time and money for something that may be totally normal. But, think about the other alternative -- it could end up being the best time and money you've spent in a long time if it SAVES YOUR LIFE !!!