
Made my therapist tear up

So, I went for my regular therapy appt (for anxiety) and told her what's been going on lately.

She started tearing up.  She wasn't unprofessional...I can just tell she really was empathetic.  I was actually surprisingly well-composed....I guess I've cried so much in the last 2 weeks. 

I really like her, and I'm glad I have her to talk to.  She doesn't specialize in IF, but it's just so helpful to be able to have someone IRL to be able to vent and whine to.  You all are wonderful and I don't know what I'd do without you...but I don't get to see your lovely faces! 

ETA:  I'm going to have to stop referring to husband as DH.  I'm pretty sure I used the term DH a few times in my session. 

image 30 y/o with PCOS HSG normal, SA essentially normal (slightly low morph but good # and motility) 50 mg; 100 mg Clomid...nada; 150 mg Clomid...zilch 1/10 Injectable cycle with Gonal-F, Ovidrel, and TI.....Beta 2/22...BFN 2/10 Injectable cycle with Gonal-F and Follistim (long story), Ovidrel..BFN 4/10 Injectable cycle (see above). BFP but early m/c 5w5d. 5/10 Break cycle due to BFC (Big Fat Cyst)...darn it all 6/10 Injectable cycle +IUI...BFN 7/10 Injectable cycle + IUI.....BFP!!! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Made my therapist tear up

  • I am so glad you have found someone you are comfortable talking to.  I bet that is a big relief.
    Dx with PCOS and IR June 2009
    After two losses, third time was a charm.
    pm me for blog link
  • I am glad that you have someone that you are able to share with.  I have also call my DH, DH IRL.  People look at you funny when you do it eh?  Oh well.
    Twins:BabyFruit TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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  • That's great you are comfortable talking to her, and she's very receptive to you. I said DH a couple of times to my DH, and he just looks at me like Who the F is that?! ha!
    Been married since 2009.
    Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
    Several MCs
    DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)

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