Hello ladies. I am checking in from my hospital bed to let you all know that I was admitted this morning at 2:30am following a significant bleed at home. This is my third bleed from the placenta previa and I had JUST seen my OB yesterday at 5pm where we'd discussed how well everything was going and that I would have my scheduled c-section at 37 weeks. Looks like I may not make it until then. For now the bleeding has subsided, but the OBs feel that at 34+ weeks, my little Ryan should be strong enough on the outside world that it is not worth risking trying to keep him in longer if the bleeding begins again. While I know he would likely do fine, I am so sad about the fact that he will have to be in the NICU for a bit. This is not how any mommy envisions having her baby For now I am being monitored in L&D and if there is no more bleeding today, they will transition me to the post-partum wing where I will likely stay until I deliver. Never thought I would be wishing to spend 2 weeks in the hospital, but I would much rather that than have to have my little guy right now. He's just not ready yet!
To top it all off, my boys' have their Mother's Day concert today at preschool and have been SO excited about it. They've been practicing their songs (in private so that it would be a surprise for me!) and counting down the days until the concert was here. My oldest has been saying, "You're going to be there, right Mommy? I have so many surprises for you!" Ugh. It broke my heart to tell them on the phone this morning that I wouldn't be there but promised them that Grandma or Daddy would video it and we would watch it together when they come see me in the hospital
Fortunately I have not had any contractions and little Ryan's heartrate is fine and he is kicking around as happy as can be. STAY PUT, little one!
Re: Back in L&D again :(
wow, I cannot believe you are 34wks already! that's a great accomplishment considering.
(((hugs))) I know you're worried and stressed and bummed. hang in there. I'm sure you and little Ryan will do great! T&P
Stay put little Ryan!
The part about the Mother's Day concert made me teary eyed! At least you guys will have a private showing later. Maybe they'll sing for you when they visit?
My thoughts are with you and baby Ryan. (((HUGS)))
Me too!
I hope that you are able to keep little Ryan in for as long as possible. T&P coming your way!
T&P that your little guy stays put for another couple of weeks!
Alex (11/14/06) and Nate (5/25/10)
"Want what you have, do what you can, be who you are." - Rev. Forrest Church
Aw man I'm sorry!
Have they given you any steroids? For his lungs? My ds was born at 33 weeks (i had 2 rounds of the steroids) and he was born perfectly healthy and didn't go to the NICU at all. It's good that you are prepared for that but maybe, just maybe he will be just fine and you guys can go home very soon.
Hang in there!
Oh, Anne! ((((((((((hugs)))))))))
I hope someone is able to record the concert for you, and so glad to hear you're not contracting. You and Ryan have both been troopers, and hopefully these next few weeks will pass quickly - and uneventfully - and you'll make it to that 37 week mark.
Hang in there... thoughts and prayers being sent your way!!!