too old for timeout.
spanking is not ok.
The defiance and talking back is about to push me over the edge.
Grounding her?
Taking away everything?
What do you do when they are upset and out of control. If I ignore, it gets worse. If I engage her and try to 'discuss' the problem, it gets worse. If I try to punish it gets worse.
Re: give me your 5/6 year old discipline techniques.
photos by jennied photography
Alissa Jean
This. I watch a 6yo and a 3yo a few days a week and the rule we have is that it's okay to be cranky and unreasonable and cry - but only in your own room, because the rest of us don't want to hear it. When the 6yo gets overly dramatic, I ask him if he wants to talk about it or if he just needs some time to himself in his room. He usually picks "room" and eventually comes out better.
~EDD Nov 18, 2017 with my IUI success story~