
beta came back at 5?

So a quick recap on my situation.  Beta was scheduled for today, AF showed up on Wednesday.  I called my RE and they told me to still have the beta and that I could go on Thursday.  The nurse called me last night and my beta was 5, which is the minimum number for a (+) test.  She told me to get retested sometime this weekend or definitely by Monday, because the number has to go below 5 for them to start a treatment cycle.

I am confused as to why my beta would come back at 5 when AF is here and is this considered a c/p?  My understanding that a c/p happens when you get a (+) test and then AF shows. 

My period was heavy Wed & Thursday and now its very light, really spotting.  I don't want to get false hope in my head, I'm just trying to wrap my head around this situation.

Any insights would be appreciated.  



Re: beta came back at 5?

  • I know this is probably not what you want to hear but it is probably a c/p.  With my c/p I didn't have AF show up but my beta was 17 and then they had me come in for another beta which had quickly dropped 2 days later.  When you go back in for your beta it will probably drop.  I am so sorry you are going through all of this.  I will send lots of PPV that you just have an late implanter. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • That sounds like a c/p from what I understand it to be. I'm really sorry :(. I wonder why the nurse didn't explain it better to you? ( hugs)
    Natural BFP on 3/08
    C/P- at 6 weeks
    5 IUI's= BFN
    Dx: Endo stage 1 : evevated FSH (11.3)
    IVF#1: 3dt 2 8 cell, grade 1 embyos :bfn


    ~A lotus springs from mud~ Chinese proverb
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  • Rachel - Thanks for your reply.  I figured this was a c/p - just surprised me that AF show before the (+) beta.
  • imagejuliebee80:
    Rachel - Thanks for your reply.  I figured this was a c/p - just surprised me that AF show before the (+) beta.

    You're very welcome. I am just so sorry you have to go through all of this.  I am still praying that I am wrong though.  Keep me posted. I am thinking about you. Hang in there sweetie. 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image
  • yes, it sounds like a c/p. It takes a while with a miscarriage for the hCG levels to drop, so it's likely that your levels were low enough to allow you to get AF but still relevant enough to count as a positive pregnancy test.

    For a c/p it's actually when you get a +HPT or +beta, but the pregnancy does not make it far enough to be detected on ultrasound.

    I'm so sorry you are going through this. 

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