
I think I'm in trouble

I ordered a margarita at the restaurant we went to. Amarah asked to have a sip so I let her have a tiny one. She said "ahhhh. That's what I'm talking about!" I thought she'd say it was gross and be done. No, she asked for more.

Re: I think I'm in trouble

  • LOL! That is definitely something that Morgan would do and say to me! LOL
  • Really, Belle? You know I love you and all but I would never not ever give my kids a sip of alcohol! Eeek.

    Mum to Owen and Lucas Daisypath Wedding tickers>
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  • My mom used to let us have a little salt off her margaritas and I think that's why I'm such a margarita-aholic today.  ;)
  • Please. It's not like I gave her the glass and said "bottoms up." It was barely enough to wet her tongue. It won't kill her & I'm fine with it.

  • LOL. I let my 2yo have a sip of red wine, and the kid actually liked it. NOT what I was expecting.

    But a margarita -- That`s just a yummy, slushy drink! 

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