If you'll be riding in a car at your destination, what do you do for a carseat? Rent one? We'll be going to Mexico in November with both DSs and I'm still undecided about a carseat. We'll probably go into town at least 2-3 times while we're there and it's a 30 min drive one way. We won't be renting a car, just riding in a taxi. Should I just check the boys' seats? WWYD? TIA!
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo

Re: S/O of flying without carseats.
I would check them. Well, I take that back. When we travel w/the Britax, I gate check them. It is worth it to me to lug them thru the airport to have them handled a little "less" than they would be if sent through.
With Joey's booster, I just send it through.
I would NEVER rent a carseat. And I'm not a real stickler for safety but you just never know the history, whether they are going to have the right fit, etc. I would be way too nervous.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
Carseats are not required in Mexico. Kids can ride on your lap or just sitting on a seat in a bus or car or taxi.
Go ahead. FLAME AWAY!!!! I've done this TWICE and it's FAB to travel carseat-free!
Ducking back into basement now.
Hmmm...I didn't know that it was safer for a child to ride without a carseat in Mexico. Good to know.
It's incredibly ignorant to ignore the safety of your child for your convenience.
I cannot WAIT until we can travel car seat free. It'll be a day of sheer joy for me! But c'mon. If you wouldnt dream of driving around your own city with your kid on your lap or on the seat next to you then you certainly shouldnt do it in Mexico.
And to OP: Bring the seats. You will maybe even want to bring them on the flight for your kids to use since they (the older one at least...not sure how old your younger one is) will have to have their own seats anyway. Gate check the stroller (and carseats if that's what you want to do).
I was just in Mexico. Got back yesterday. I think I would not plan on using a car seat. Not sure what town your going into, but we flew to Cancun and went to another town about 25 minutes away. I saw lots of cars without kids in car seats, I saw cars with infant seats in the front and the baby and the mom in the back. I saw 6 men in a toyota tercell. You can check your carseat when you first get to the airport, but I would probably not bring one if I had a child who was 2.5+ since a seat belt is a good alternative to a car seat (really, it isn't a horrendous option, not the perfect ideal, but certainly worth the trade off IMO) and it was pretty rural. Not nearly as many cars on the road as here, even around the airport and the speeds are not as fast.
We took DD to Mexico and the carseat in taxi's was just not an option. We took a taxi into town and used the seatbelt because there was no way we could just lug it around everywhere we were going. We put her in the middle of the two of us and buckled her in. She was fine.
Appreciate the input. We've traveled in the past with a car seat on the plane for DD and it was a pain b/c then she couldn't put down the tray table - which meant no coloring, no place to put the DVD etc. So yeah, not bringing something for her.
DS is flying as a lap child. I don't anticipate us leaving the resort much, maybe 1 night in downtown Playa for dinner at Carolos & Charlies and some shopping. If we did do a carseat, we'd have nothing to do with it other than carry it around.