I posted a intro a few weeks back and have been mostly lurking since then. I have read the recommened Dr Luke book and found it very helpful. So thanks for the suggestion ladies. I do have a couple of questions regarding early twin pregnancy...
I have been having a lot of hip and low back pain. I was nervous at first because it was accompanied by spotting but after several u/s and no more blood I was assured everything was fine. Is this normal in a multiple pg?
I'm now 9w4d by my LMP but have been measuring ahead since day 1. The doctors have me at 10w1d. I am obviously showing now (which I love) but Im wondering when I will begin to feel movement (ducks while MoMs throw things at her-sorry im sure this has been asked 1389734 times)
Thank you ladies for your wonderful in sight.
Re: A few newbie questions if you don't mind...
Hip and back pain is normal in any pregnancy. Since it's starting so early, I'd suggest finding a chiropractor and starting to stretch daily.
Movement varies by pregnancy, and a lot of factors can affect it. If you have an anterior placenta, you'll likely feel movement later than others. I actually felt movement earlier in my singleton pg than my twin. I felt it around 16/17 weeks with DD, and not until 18 or so with the twins.
However, it's normal to not feel any until 21/22 weeks.
I don't remember the hip or back pain, its been awhile, hopefully some of the other pregnant MoM's can answer.
As for feeling them, I felt a flutter at 15 weeks that felt like a finger going lightly and quickly over my belly. By 16 weeks I was feeling something everyother day, DH couldn't feel them until 23ish weeks.
flutters at 15wks, but not consistently at all.
i just wanted to say I remember you from TTCAL and congrats! Good to see you here!
I felt a few twinges around 14 weeks that I know now were likely small movements but nothing consistent or that I was 100% sure of until closer to 18 weeks.
BFP #2 - 12/9/09 After being on bedrest for 10 weeks due to TTTS and hospital bedrest for 4 weeks due to PPROM, my sticky babies are here! Born at 32 weeks!!
I had early hip and pelvic pain in first tri that seemed to calm down... hopefully it won't come back - and hope yours lets up!
Felt flutters at 17 weeks. Nothing regular right away