I went shopping for a baby gift this weekend and completely forgot how hard it is to shop for someone you don't really know.
My DS's teacher is leaving for Maternity leave next week and she's been such an awesome teacher I want to get her something.
I was thinking of a unisex sleeper - baby gap or something like that and a toy.
Any other ideas?
I don't know the sex, if she's bf'ing, and I know she'll be gone for at least the first month back to the states.
Re: Need Ideas for baby gift
No, I don't think she would register cause she'd have to take it all back on the plane with her probably.
Would she have to register with a certain town / state / city, whatever?
Honestly, after just finishing up my 3rd shower, this is the feedback I have...I have already returned a TON of onesies, bibs, rattles, and toys. I had enough for at least 3 kids. Especially newborn onesies....I could have just used a new one each day and threw them away.
What I didn't get that I really could have used was health care stuff...like a little health kit for baby. Someone gave me a travel pack of baby stuff (shampoo, soap, etc.) which I thought was a great idea b/c we both have fam out of town. I've heard you can never have too many Swaddlers and I've only gotten 1 so far even though I registered for 5.
Also stay away from socks...at this point, I've gotten at least 35-40 pairs.
My best guess...go with the swaddler...lightweight, practical, and something that a lot of people don't realize they will need a lot of until after LO is here.
I keep forgetting you're in Russia!
Well if she registered in the states as long as you know her first and last name I think you can look it up on registeries without knowing the state.
Since she has to travel with it I would think an outfit would be good, like the item from the Gap you mentioned.
This. Then she can get what she wants/needs.
BFP 8/18/09 cycle #7
Missed m/c 9/16/09 (7w6d, baby measuring 6w1d)
D&E 9/25/09 at 9w1d
BFP 11/25/09 1st cycle after D&E
DS born @36w2d
~~~Labor Buddy to And Ketch~~~ BFPB to LoveBeingAWife33008
This. Since you don't know what she's registered for, she can pick whatever she still needs! Also, if you decide to get her clothes get her something in a bigger size. So many people give newborn baby clothes!