Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Natural Birth Doctors

Does anyone know of any doctors in the DFW area that support Natural Birth. I do not want to be strapped to an IV, I want birth balls and hot showers/baths, etc.

Is this even available in a hospital setting?

Re: Natural Birth Doctors

  • Have you considered a midwife/doula? I can forward you contact info if you would like.
  • I'm relatively new to the area, so I have just been searching doula's and midwives on-line. I would appreciate contact info of someone you recommend?


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  • I've been in your shoes, and what you want will be a combo of the doctor & the hospital policies.  PP is right that delivering w/ a midwife @ home or a birth center would prob be best. However, Baylor (downtown) is very natural-birth friendly & many of the docs I've heard that were pro-natural birth deliver there. You can decline the standard IV of fluids.  They don't do continuous monitoring.  They have a birth ball, rocking chair, etc. they can bring you. You're welcome to use the tub to relax but not deliver in, and they do allow water births if you rent them through their vendor I believe.  All things that I hear most hospitals don't allow.

    Anyway, I'm delivering w/ a midwife - Cecily Floyd - there in September and toured the hospital to be sure b4 I made my decision.  Her practice - Women's Health Alliance - along with ObGyn Associates and Integrated Women's Health are a few that I've heard to be pro-natural birth.

    GL w/ your decision!

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  • i had a natural birth at Baylor Grapevine with the setting you described - if you decide to give birth at a hospital (vs. a home birth or a birthing center), you DEFINITELY want to hire a doula - i don't know what part of the metroplex you're in, but if you're in Tarrant County i can give you a few names
  • I delivered at Baylor Dallas and they are very natural birth friendly (although I opted for an epi Smile ) All of the Baylor hospitals have the same policy...
  • I love Ann Crowell (midwife) and will be using a birthing center called Gentle Beginnings.  I have loved it so far!  They have 6 midwives I believe so you might be able to find a perfect fit.
  • I am using the midwives that have an office in the same lot as Baylor Fort Worth (downtown). I've not delivered yet, but I'll make sure to rec them if I like my experience after LO gets here. Texas Healthcare, (817)923-3633. So far they've been very friendly and all around great.

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