Alabama Babies


I understand exactly what you are going through w/ the Disney drama. We are trying to plan a trip for us all to go (both sets of gparents included as well as my sister and her attached at the hip/can't breathe w/out one another boyfriend) and it is a nightmare!!! I am about to just change it to the 3 of us and plan it for a surprise time that none of them will know about!

Re: Heather

  • I'm so sorry. Doesn't it stink???

    What's frustrating is that everyone in our case could go in June but MIL is so possessive and feels like it's "their" trip even though we told everyone back at Christmas we would be going before DS's birthday. We just thought it would be nice of us to compromise so we would know for sure everyone could go.We'd really like to go mid-end August for several reasons. DS can go for free before his 3rd bday on Sept. 7, and the costs are super low then b/c lots of kids are back in school. In June, there will be SO many people there, and we really could only afford to stay a few days as opposed to a week in August. Even though August was the better choice for us, we still were willing to be flexible..frustrating!

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