Ok, I think I want to hire an "Office Manager" for the business. No idea exactly what to call the position, but basically someone to do all the office/management little things - shipping off prints/albums, burning DVD back-ups, updating my website, contacting clients about payments, maybe even ordering prints/albums and/or uploading weddings, checking out new companies, organizing my files, inputting my receipts into quickbooks or whatever, etc. etc. etc.
Problem is I have no idea where to start to look for one. What's reasonable for this in terms of pay? I was thinking a SAHM might work since I don't picture this being more than 5-6 hours/week. But she'd have to have older kids because what I'm thinking of paying ($10/hour?) wouldn't cover a sitter and she'd have to come into the office. Any ideas? My brother said craigslist, but that always makes me nervous. Is that the way to go? A college or high school kid could probably work, but we're talking about accounting and money stuff, so I really need someone I can trust. Any ideas?
Re: NPR - Hiring an "Office Manager"