2nd Trimester

WalMart cribs

I'm at a loss as to what crib to get.  I think it's because I don't care at all!  I can't see spending hundreds on a crib that I don't even care about. 

I see WalMart has some inexpensive ones and I'm very interested!  Anyone have any feedback on them?

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Re: WalMart cribs

  • I think we're getting the Baby Mod crib at walmart. It's a convertible one, I liked that it had 4 mattress positions and it came with the toddler railing.
  • LCB34LCB34 member

    There are a few at Wal-Mart that baby bargains recommends.  I think one is the mod crib but I am not sure about the other.

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  • K has a walmart set - I love hers!
    The only problem is you have to put it together.
    And the pieces weren't marked clearly or correctly.

  • All cribs sold in the US have to meet the same safety requirements, so honestly LO will be fine whether you spend $100 or $2,000. LO won't know the difference. Just always make sure to watch out for recalls once you purchase it though.
  • Yep! My sister-in-law has an entire furniture set from WM, including crib. Good quality and looks expensive, even though it wasn't. The crib is sturdy and looks great. They have free site-to-store shipping, too, which is a great way to save even more money if you have a way to haul the boxes from your local store to your home.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • We have had out Walmart crib (not sure what brand) since DS1 was born, so 10 years now.  And it looks brand new.  We have never had a problem with it.
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    DS1 12-31-1999, DS2 5-7-2008, DS3 8-3-2010
  • Awesome, I think I will go this route. 

    Thanks for your input, all!

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  • I just ordered a Graco Sarah crib and changing table from Wal-mart.  All of the reviews on it were good.  We'll put it together soon enough to try it out and return it if needed but Graco tends to have good quality so I'm not too worried.

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  • I found the cribs I wanted at BRU.  Then I searched around to see where I could find he same ones for cheaper.  Walmart had the best price.  And you get free shipping with site to store.  I put one of them toegther the other day by myself...with a little help from my 9 yr old.  It's great!  It's a good quality and looks much more expensive than it was.  It's Storkcraft tuscany.  The reviews on the Walmart and BRU websites are very helpful!  GL!


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