I saw my OBGYN today and when I told him about my insomnia (I woke up at 2am today) he told me to have lots of sex!!! hahaha My husband has never been more motivated to cure my ailments.
hahaha thats quite the cure haha, altho.. this may be TMI for you all, but i woke up super early this morning, couldnt sleep and woke my husband up for some before work lovin'...he went to work and i went back to sleep so it must work haha
Re: Sure fire insomnia cure??
hahaha thats quite the cure haha, altho.. this may be TMI for you all, but i woke up super early this morning, couldnt sleep and woke my husband up for some before work lovin'...he went to work and i went back to sleep
so it must work haha