I am on Baby number 7 and age 37, I have 2 boys and 4 girls and expecting another Baby Girl. I have always had natural birth and crazy as it may seem Its just as terrified to deliver. Does and Epidural really hurt. I have had 6 long agonizing labors all over 20 hours. Help anybody!
Re: Epidural, does it hurt?
I'm no expert but I can't imagine it hurting more than going natural.
When I watch videos of girls getting it they have absolute relief on their faces.
I loved the epidural so much I seriously considered writing the inventor a thank you note.
It's the best -- and the pain is minimal compared to contractions.
It took them over an hour and 7 attempts to get my epidural in (they said I had awkward back bone structure or something along these lines).
It sucked.
I was almost 7 cm dilated when I got the epidural, so the contractions + holding still + huge needles going into my pack was quite the experience.
I'm leaning towards natural this time...I didn't think the contractions were too bad.
Very briefly. Kind of like a bee sting. Only lasts a few seconds and then it's blissful numbness.
Anyone else think this could be MUD FAIL?
I am calling MUD...
this is my thought, but I will answer anyway.
I didn't think the epi hurt. There is the normal pinch of a needle going into your body, and then when it hits a certain spot there is an electric shock that makes your leg tingle and jiggle. Other than that, I didn't really ahve a problem.
The after effects of the epi were worse for me. I got an epi headache and had a migraine every time I was upright for a week.