So my sister just called. 3 days after everything to say that she's really sorry and that she's just trying to work on her marriage and that she had actually forgot to do all the paperwork for extra valet and what not at her apt. building for my baby shower but that if I wanted she would see if she would put in the paper work now.
I said "Thanks, but no thanks I just decided that I'm not having a shower and that's it" The funny thing is she's not really apologetic at all. So I told her that "I'm just a little disappointed in the way she's acting because she's my big sister and I hold her in such high regard but that she's really selfish and I don't know why I allow myself to continue to be hurt by her saying she won't let me down when ultimately I know she will".
My charming sister then says "You're just upset no one is paying attention to your baby shower" No, and that's why I cancelled it, because I'm not selfish enough not to see that everyone is just preoccupied with you and your never ending drama. Am I upset that you're stressing mom out when she could be celebrating with me instead? That, yes.
I love her but sometimes I don't know WTF is wrong with her.
Re: So my sister finally called...
EEW is she serious?
I'm sorry. That sucks - the cancelling, the craptastic apology, missing out of getting together w/ family, everything.
Yea, I gotta say the craptastic appology hurts me more than anything else. She didn't even ask or suggest that she have the embarrasing task of contacting guests.
That really bothered me. I'm so stupid for always falling into the same routine with her. I should have learned by now.
I would just tell her that you're not upset that everyone isn't paying attention....just her.
If that guilt trip doesn't get through than nothing will.
YES! and I threw her hers!
Wow. That's crap.
Im sorry you have to experience this. Some sisters (like my selfish sister) just dont know how to handle not being in the spotlight. From your other posts, it does sound like she's got major drama in her life, so it is probably best that she handle that.
Is there someone else who can host your shower? Like your mom or a cousin or aunt? I know everyone on your guestlist isnt caught up in this mess and probably genuinely wants to celebrate your baby. Its just not fair for you to have to cancel because of her.