When I was pg with dd#1, I had the big u/s at 20w and found out she was a girl. I went back to work that day and was telling a few people in my office. A man I worked with (who has 2 older kids of his own) said (quite seriously I might add), "How could they tell it's a girl? Did it have boobs?"
Re: weird/awesome/stupid/creepy comment about finding out baby's sex.
It amazes me when people that have had kids are completely clueless.
My DH was talking to his friend a while ago that has three kids and this guy was astonished to find out that a pregnancy lasts 40 weeks. He always thought it was 36 weeks (based on being pregnant for 9 months with 4 weeks in each month).
I don't think that's outrageous...especially when you consider the number of women on here who think they are pregnant for 10 months.
Haha, true!
Some people are idiots. I have a twin brother. When we were little, my mom used to dress us in matching boy/girl outfits, and it was very obvious that I was a girl and he was a boy. She used to get this comment/question daily...
"Aww, a boy and a girl, how cute. Are they identical?"
Well put. What an ass.
My mom got the same questions about my brother and sister. Her standard response: "Not from the waist down."