So, I had moderate eczema when I was a child - typically just on my palms and elbows. I haven't had any issues in 15+ years.
Well, about a week ago I noticed that my hands were getting really dry and started using more and more lotion. Now they are dry, red, and painful. It feels like they are going to tear or something. And my elbows are red, dry, and very itchy. Nothing seems to help either of them.
I am thinking that I might be dealing with eczema again due to pregnancy. So, if any of you battle eczema has it gotten worse while pregnant?
I plan to talk to my doctor at my next appointment but don't think this is something that warrants a call to the nurse. I'm really just curious if anyone else is having similar issues.
Re: Eczema Question
I developed two small pataches of eczema at the beginning of my 2nd tri. It's between my thumb and index finger but fortunately hasn't spread or become worse. I showed it to my OB, he didn't seem to be too alarmed. He said if it becomes worse I could go see a dermatologist.
But it's weird, I never had ezcema before.
Man, you caught me! Haha! No, my hands stay out of my lady parts.
So that's my problem too!!
Ironically, mine has virtually disappeared since I've been pregnant. I've had it very bad on my palms and the bottoms of my feet since I was 18. I actually think it has something to do with not drinking or not smoking. Whatever it is, I'm loving the break from it!
I also second the use of Aquaphor. My skin was getting too thin from years of topical steroids, so I switched to Aquaphor a while back and it really helped.
I have had eczema on my arms for most of my adulthood. Through my doctor, we found I am sensitive (just on my arms) to fragrances etc. I use Dove Sensitive skin bar soap (can't use liquid soap as it make things worse) and I use either Cetaphil or Aveeno baby (fragrance free) and that seems to help alot!!
I have been trying to stay away from meds that I don't need for a while and this combination has worked and I have not needed any steroids for quite some time!
Me = jealous
My eczema has been back in full force during pregnancy. The cream that I would normally use is off limits as it is a steroid cream. My doc said euecrin (or aquophor) 2x a day and a 1percent hydrocortisone cream if you are extremely itchy. It took me a month to get rid of it this way (my steroid cream would have stopped it in half a day) but it is finally gone.