2nd Trimester

No bio-babies for Jillian Michaels. Discuss.



I'll go first. 

1.  She had a weight problem as a child and has subsequently mastered her health or at least physique.  Part of being pregnant is loosing that control.  I could see where that would be very hard/scary for her. 

2.  Her body and discipline are the two main sources of her income.

3.  If people would stop searching for validation through celebrities or figures in the media then it shouldn't matter.  Is her story inspiring?  Yes, should we all try to be healthier and more active?  Yes. Should we let her personal decisions be a ruler for our own personal decisions?  No.  

Her exact quote was "I?m going to adopt. I can?t handle doing that to my body".  To me that doesn't say "If you get pregnant you'll never look great again".  It says "I've worked hard to get to where I am and I'm not comfortable loosing that control I've established." 

What's wrong with that?  To each his/her own.


Re: No bio-babies for Jillian Michaels. Discuss.

  • I have always, and will always, have respect for a women who knows their limitation and still find ways of achieving their dreams (in this case: parenthood)
  • People *do* find validation through celebrities, though. And I agree with you on all your points, but...she's in the business of making people figure out what their "issues" are in the process of losing weight, and not wanting to have biological children bc of the fear that pg "ruins" your body is f-ed up. She has issues herself, yiiiiikes.

    " Michaels is currently in production for a new NBC show ?Losing it With Jillian?, where she stays with a different family each week with the aim of getting to the bottom of each person?s issues and helping them make life-altering changes to better their health and happiness." 

    I wouldn't be taking advice with someone who so obviously has body/control issues, frankly...


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  • LCB34LCB34 member

    A few things - she is 36, who knows if she is battling infertility but doesn't want to talk about it and is using her career as her "out" to why she will adopt?

    Also, I agree with your last statement.  A similar thing happened to Giuliana Rancic when she was told to gain 5 pounds for her IVF cycle and she talked about how it would mess with her career.  Did she do it? Yes she did.  But, people gave her hell about thinking about her career first.  Um, she works in Hollywood and wants to maintain that career/ income so she can raise a family. 

    I just don't get why the general public finds the need to criticize celebrities for their choices about their body/ life.


  • Good for her for adopting. Adopting a child isn't easy either (on an adoptive parent). God knows there are thousands of children who could be placed in a loving home. If she is willing and able and open to adoption, that is awesome.
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  • imagenosoup4u:

    People *do* find validation through celebrities, though. And I agree with you on all your points, but...she's in the business of making people figure out what their "issues" are in the process of losing weight, and not wanting to have biological children bc of the fear that pg "ruins" your body is f-ed up. She has issues herself, yiiiiikes.

    " Michaels is currently in production for a new NBC show ?Losing it With Jillian?, where she stays with a different family each week with the aim of getting to the bottom of each person?s issues and helping them make life-altering changes to better their health and happiness." 

    I wouldn't be taking advice with someone who so obviously has body/control issues, frankly...


    I think the word "ruin" was introduced by the writer of the article.  She never actually said it "ruins" your body, unless you read that somewhere I missed (entirely possible).  She just said she couldn't do that to her body.  I think that we can all agree that our bodies are sacrificing a lot for these pregnancies.  She knows her limitations and I can respect that.  

  • Jillian makes money off of her body.  I don't think it's wrong of her to not want biological children for this reason. 
  • Good for Jillian. And to quote Baby Mama..."There's no wrong way to make a family." :-) hehe.
  • I have a lot of respect for her for admitting that she does not want bio children for this reason.  Like PP have said, she knows her limitations and she is not exceeding them, I don't think the article is a sign that she has issues and shouldn't be helping others.  And there are plenty of babies that need to be adopted, why giver her crap about not wanting her own child when she is so open about adopting an unwanted child? 
  • I think she's being honest and sincere...I'm not her so I can't relate, but she is more than welcome to do as she pleases.

    Personally, I feel beautiful pregnant, and my post pregnancy body may not be as firm and toned as my pre-pregnancy body...but for me that's completely ok.  I also don't live off of my body image, have never been overweight and have actually felt pretty empowered after going through childbirth.  But that's me.


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  • There are millions of children waiting to be adopted.  Why criticize someone wanting to help a child in need?  Not everyone needs to have biological children. 

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  • I don't understand her body POV but I think adoption rocks, regardless of the reason behind it.  So I can't really fault her.
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  • I think she is also in a same-sex relationship? Or maybe bisexual? If she is on fact gay she'd have to go through fertility treatments which can be even more taxing on the body.

    I say good for her. I think it's great that adoption has become more prevalent. And part of successful weight loss is being able to identify issues and triggers and know how to deal with them. If this is her way of dealing, how wonderful that a parentless child will get a family?

    I love her. She's my female celebrity crush.

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  • me at 40 - 2009

    I am a big fan of hers- I guess she's my celebrity crush too... that is- up till I just heard this!!

    If she wants to adopt, or what her sexual orientation is is NO business of mine- I really don't care.  The fact that she overcame childhood obesity to become the woman she is today does matter to me and is a big reason why I look up to her- (or a person like Richard Simmons- when they have actually been there and done it- it's so inspirational to people!) and even though I was always a skinny child- after I gained a ton of weight after having 3 kids- her book "Master your metabolism" was a big source of info and inspiration to me when I made some big life changes to lose weight and become the woman you see in the above photo before my 40th birthday (yes that's me- I hope it posts right)  Getting pregnant after doing all that work, having to let go of it and face having to do it all over again- now after 40... was really hard on me- but I have a lot of determination that I CAN DO THIS AGAIN and I WILL!!  The fact that my hero doesn't think she has it in her- to do what I am facing- is a total downer!!  What the heck?  Millions of women need to know that having a baby does not have to be the end of your fitness world and beautiful body- having a baby could be such an incredible inspiration to so many people and I'm deeply saddened that she doesn't think that she is up to the task.

    Once again I'll say- there are many wonderful reasons why a person could want to adopt- that's not what I'm judging... it's that if she doesn't think she can do it- why should anyone who has a big difficult road ahead of them- take her advice if she doesnt even believe in herself?

  • I'm not mad at her- I'm adopted (because my parents could have children) but I always told DH no matter what I want to adopt just because there are children who need homes.


  • MSC03MSC03 member
    Her issues clearly run deeper than the "just afraid to lose my body" thing.
  • I dont understand why anyone would think that a woman not wanting to permanently alter her body just for the sake of having a biological child has "issues".  Having "issues" would be bowing to society's accepted norm of expecting every woman to want biological children, regardless of the cost.  

    I dont look nearly as rockin' as Jillian, and I dont make my living off of my body, but I am a triathlete and a marathoner.  Which means I wear spandex.  In public.  On a regular basis.  It is HARD to realize that no matter what I do, my body is not going to look the same post-baby as it did before.  To me PERSONALLY, it is worth it.  But it most certainly should not (and clearly IS not) worth it to every woman.  I know I will have issues next summer when I go to put on a spandex tri suit and walk out in public wearing it.  I'll deal with it.  I do not expect everyone to, nor do I think less of anyone for deciding that THAT is an issue they dont want to have to deal with.

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  • I understand her concerns and issues with being pregnant, i.e. weight gain. As a fitness professional and a former overweight person who worked my way to a healthy weight and created a healthy lifestyle, I'm dealing with these emotions myself.

    However, the psych nailed it when she stated:

    ?She is teaching people about body image and self-esteem. Women who have children all the time and get right back in shape particularly if they exercise,? Dr. Leslie Seppinni, a Los Angeles-based Family Therapist & Clinical Psychologist told Pop Tarts. ?If this is how she truly feels, she should seek counsel before coaching others on issues of body image.?  

  • imageLCB34:

    A few things - she is 36, who knows if she is battling infertility but doesn't want to talk about it and is using her career as her "out" to why she will adopt?

    Also, I agree with your last statement.  A similar thing happened to Giuliana Rancic when she was told to gain 5 pounds for her IVF cycle and she talked about how it would mess with her career.  Did she do it? Yes she did.  But, people gave her hell about thinking about her career first.  Um, she works in Hollywood and wants to maintain that career/ income so she can raise a family. 

    I just don't get why the general public finds the need to criticize celebrities for their choices about their body/ life.

    well, in rancic's case she is making her choices very public. and as many here like to say,  if you make your issues public, you can't control the reaction and you might not like it.

    that being said, i have more respect for michaels because she is comfortable with her limitations in a way rancic didn't seem to be. rancic was having ivf and has known her weight was a problem, only recently addressing it. to me, that's trying to have it both ways. even on the view she said her age was the biggest issue, which she then acknowledged wasn't exactly what her dr said. is it worse to be a healthy weight than to be old?? i don't find it awful but i do find it kind of sad, and i'd have a ton more respect for her if she'd gone the adoption route or just gained the weight in the first place.

  • LCB34LCB34 member

    A few things - she is 36, who knows if she is battling infertility but doesn't want to talk about it and is using her career as her "out" to why she will adopt?

    Also, I agree with your last statement.  A similar thing happened to Giuliana Rancic when she was told to gain 5 pounds for her IVF cycle and she talked about how it would mess with her career.  Did she do it? Yes she did.  But, people gave her hell about thinking about her career first.  Um, she works in Hollywood and wants to maintain that career/ income so she can raise a family. 

    I just don't get why the general public finds the need to criticize celebrities for their choices about their body/ life.

    well, in rancic's case she is making her choices very public. and as many here like to say,  if you make your issues public, you can't control the reaction and you might not like it.

    that being said, i have more respect for michaels because she is comfortable with her limitations in a way rancic didn't seem to be. rancic was having ivf and has known her weight was a problem, only recently addressing it. to me, that's trying to have it both ways. even on the view she said her age was the biggest issue, which she then acknowledged wasn't exactly what her dr said. is it worse to be a healthy weight than to be old?? i don't find it awful but i do find it kind of sad, and i'd have a ton more respect for her if she'd gone the adoption route or just gained the weight in the first place.

    Please find me a fertility doctor that thinks gaining 5 pounds will magically increase your fertility.  It simply won't.  It will help put you in "better" BMI limits for success but, to date, there is no proven correlation between weight and infertility.

  • imageLCB34:

    A few things - she is 36, who knows if she is battling infertility but doesn't want to talk about it and is using her career as her "out" to why she will adopt?

    Also, I agree with your last statement.  A similar thing happened to Giuliana Rancic when she was told to gain 5 pounds for her IVF cycle and she talked about how it would mess with her career.  Did she do it? Yes she did.  But, people gave her hell about thinking about her career first.  Um, she works in Hollywood and wants to maintain that career/ income so she can raise a family. 

    I just don't get why the general public finds the need to criticize celebrities for their choices about their body/ life.

    well, in rancic's case she is making her choices very public. and as many here like to say,  if you make your issues public, you can't control the reaction and you might not like it.

    that being said, i have more respect for michaels because she is comfortable with her limitations in a way rancic didn't seem to be. rancic was having ivf and has known her weight was a problem, only recently addressing it. to me, that's trying to have it both ways. even on the view she said her age was the biggest issue, which she then acknowledged wasn't exactly what her dr said. is it worse to be a healthy weight than to be old?? i don't find it awful but i do find it kind of sad, and i'd have a ton more respect for her if she'd gone the adoption route or just gained the weight in the first place.

    Please find me a fertility doctor that thinks gaining 5 pounds will magically increase your fertility.  It simply won't.  It will help put you in "better" BMI limits for success but, to date, there is no proven correlation between weight and infertility.

    evidently the one rancic is using, since that's what she said:

    "?My diagnosis was I wasn?t ovulating consistently and so my doctor recommended that I gain weight in order to start ovulating consistently,? she said. ?He said five to 10 pounds, which I know isn?t a big deal but I had to bite that bullet because I work out every day of my life. I love feeling good, waking up, working out.?


    more here:


  • LCB34LCB34 member

    While gaining/ losing weight may help with ovulation (and it is a much healthier fix than IF meds) it doesn't always work.  It is one of those "let?s try it and see" kind of things.

    I get that she needed to do it because her doctor suggested it and it *may* have helped I am just very sensitive to the whole "lose/ gain weight and you will get pregnant and/ or ovulate" idea as it isn't really the case (and would only help anovulatory women which is a very small subset of infertility patients).


  • imageLCB34:

    While gaining/ losing weight may help with ovulation (and it is a much healthier fix than IF meds) it doesn't always work.  It is one of those "let?s try it and see" kind of things.

    I get that she needed to do it because her doctor suggested it and it *may* have helped I am just very sensitive to the whole "lose/ gain weight and you will get pregnant and/ or ovulate" idea as it isn't really the case (and would only help anovulatory women which is a very small subset of infertility patients).

    i never said it did always work. i was trying to make a point about a specific case, not a broad statement about all women who struggle with infertility.

    from the other resource i posted, it looks like close to 10% of infertility patients had eating disorders... and 73% of normal infertile women conceived spontaneously when they gained weight. so there definitely is an acknowledged link between weight and fertility, either under or over. i'm sorry that you're taking this so personally, but it doesn't seem to be false.

  • K so there are a lot of couples out there who can not get pregnant.  If 'wrecking her body' is the only reason she will not have bio children she is selfish and doesnt deserve them.  Now there may be other circumstances we dont know about (infertility).  Speaking as a person who struggled to get pregnant, taking a child from a adoptive couple who is desperate for a child is wrong.  (if there is no other circumstance). 
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