2nd Trimester

baby movement

so i started to feel  the baby move about 5 days ago some days more than others . but its to me if i dont feel baby move now i think there is something wrong..is this normal for only being 18 wks? to feel the baby move only every now and then?

Re: baby movement

  • im 26 weeks and theres some days he dont move that much it just depends on the day. i also have a very active baby and some days hes jus relaxing i wouldnt worry about it.

  • Very very normal. Baby's movements dont have to be counted and kept watch on until the start of your third tri. I know how you feel though, once you feel one kick you're expecting to get that every day. Try eating something sweet and sit down and relax, and you should eventually feel some movement. But if you dont, dont worry because its still very early. Esp if this is your first pg.
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  • I'm 18 weeks and I only sometimes feel flutters. I haven't felt any kicking or anything that I'm positive is the baby. 
  • I've only been able to feel movement a few times, I'm 17 weeks, and I feel the same way after a day goes by and I feel nothing. My doctor said not to worry, that I will start to feel movement more regularly as the baby gets bigger. I guess b/c of a past loss, I'm easily thrown into panic mode, haha.
  • it's normal.  i'm 26 weeks and at times i don't feel anything...then I would talk to him and then i'll feel him.  Try talking to your baby and see what happens.
  • Thank you to everybody for your feedback as a first time mom i am just so nervous about everything

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