2nd Trimester

Had the O.B. Appt This Morning, and Question

Went very well, just asked me questions, and went over my results of my pap smear. (more on that in a minute)

 I asked my question, then we tried to hear the heartbeat, the little jumping bean I guess is doing sumersaults this morning, cause the Doctor would get a bead on the heartbeat for about 10 seconds then lose it cause the baby would move on him! it was to funny! but the heartbeat was strong 153hb..


And I got the order to schedule the anatomy scan between 18 and 20 weeks, which I will do after the first I think so DH will be here for it! YAY!!

 Also got the paperwork to do the gentic testing, signed and dated by the doctor, So come 16 to 18 weeks I can go in and get my blood drawn for that.. 

Ok the Pap Smear.. Came in abnormal, this is what it said next to it on the report (the doctor showed me) Squamous Intraephithelial Lesion.. Doctor said that this can sometimes be normal for during a pregnancy and that they want to do, umm I think he said a colposcopy, around week 28..

Is this normal? did anyone else have this? I'm curious and Wonder if I should be worried or just shug it off for now..  

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Re: Had the O.B. Appt This Morning, and Question

  • HI there lady! Sorry to hear about those results! I didnt have that come back on mine; but about 3 years ago I had an abnormal pap and they did a colposcopy. Im not gonna lie because I want you to be informed- it hurt & sucked really bad. They pull a cell sample off of your cervic. But, I brought my hubby, he held my hand, and it was over quick, so I survived. I just wanted to be honest so you didnt have false hope.
  • Hi. I also has an abnormal pap but she told me I had A-Typical cells (pre-cancerous) and I too am going for a colposcopy, but when I go I will be about 19 1/2 weeks.   I've had a colposcopy about 5 or 6 years ago for the A-Typical Cells again and they just "snipped" them out. a few days later it looked like i had coffee grinds coming out of me when i peed or wiped (sorry if that is TMI) but all in all a colposcopy doesn't necessarily "hurt" it's just kind of uncomfortable for a bit then you are fine again. I probably wouldn't stress it if everything is fine with you LO, besides I think if it were a big issue they woudl have wanted to look into it sooner rather than later...totally my opinion though.  Good Luck! :)
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  • thank you both for being very honest with me! 

    I'm going to wait and see what happens, He didn't sound to concerned just that I should get it done around 28 weeks or after the baby is born 

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