I know this is a stupid question, but because my brain is clogged from a cold and I have pregnancy brain, I have no idea how to tell my boss I am pregnant. Because I work in a different city, I have to do it over the phone. I just can't think how to phrase it other than to tell him, I wanted to tell you some news, dh and are expecting a child in October. But that sounds lame. What did you tell your boss and what did you discuss during the meeting? Tia!
Re: Telling the boss you are pregnant ?
I just said I am expecting, due in September, my goal is to work up until Labor Day and I will coordinate the rest with HR.
He was congratulatory and supportive.
I just said, "I'm pregnant." And his response was, "Already?!" LOL
He knew about my IF and that I was having a lot of appointments because of it. He did congratulate me once the shock wore off.
I sat my boss down and explained to them I was pg and due in August. I would work up until the very moment I could no longer handle it.. and that I have every intention on returning to work when my leave is over...
He was extremely supportive and understanding about doctors appts..etc.
Just set up a quick 5-10 minute call and tell him basically what you've written above. Most people/bosses are happy to hear the news.. As long as you keep the tone positive and confident, it shouldn't be a big deal.
It's a plus if you have an idea of when your leave will begin. If your duties are such that you'll need someone to fill in for you while you're gone, now might also be a good time to bring up any thoughts you have on this subject.
This is just based on my own personal experience.
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