The spot sign says "New & Expectant mothers" I was tempted to use it for the first time this pregnancy b/c I was in a hurry after work & really needed to pee! But there was a spot 2 over so I decided to use that one instead. There was a car coming the other way towards me & they decided to back into that spot. I thought "you better be pregnant or have a newborn" so I hurried out of the car. Ha! This woman was NOT pregnant. She was probably a stripper. I followed her in & when we got our carts she turned around & glanced at my belly. Oh yeah, that's right, I'm PREGNANT! I see that you are NOT.
I was fuming the whole way through the store. Trying to think of ways to get her in trouble (as if that was possible!)
Re: Lady that was NOT pregnant used the maternity spot at the grocery store last night.
DD #1 born 9/07 ** DD #2 born 7/11 ** Operation Take Back My Body has begun 10/11
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How do you know she wasn't pregnant but not showing? How do you know that she didn't just have a c-section and can't walk long distances but needed to run in quickly and get something.
Get over yourself.
Well, technically, she could have been pregnant, just not far enough along to show. So, I don't think you can say for sure that she wasn't.
I think those spots are stupid. Unless you are on bed rest (in which case, why are you at the store), there is no reason why a pregnant woman couldn't or shouldn't walk the few feet to get to the door.
i agree. I don't mind walking, and the exercise will do me good. and if you're on dr. orders not to walk long distances, then you shouldn't be going to the store in the first place, where you'll be walking around a lot more than you would be in a parking lot. ?
She barely had clothes on & the dress was SO short & super tight. She looked like she was headed to Hollywood, not the grocery store. I'm totally guessing but she pissed me off!
When it's 110 degrees here & I'm 40w pregnant carrying DD into the store...I'll be using it.
I wouldn't use it when I'm not showing b/c someone close to 40w needs it more than I do. Or someone with a new baby. Even if I have crappy m/s
By the car she was driving & the clothes she was wearing, she did not look like a new mom. By the way she was running through the parking lot, I doubt she had m/s.
Good Lord, it's a freaking parking spot. Give it a rest.
This is exactly why these spots are the stupidest things ever. What if she just had a D&C the other day? What if she adopted a baby and took her husband's car out for a quick errand? Who are you to judge? Just because someone dresses like a s_lut doesn't mean they are incapable of procreating. And at 21w what if 41w mom came along with a toddler in tow and saw you with your tiny belly getting out of your car with no carseat in it and no other child with you? Is she allowed to be mad?
DD #1 born 9/07 ** DD #2 born 7/11 ** Operation Take Back My Body has begun 10/11
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Rock and Roll Half Marathon 09/16/12 - Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia (Half?!?) Marathon 11/18/12 - Philadelphia, PA
I don't get this statement at all. What kind of car should an expectant mother drive? A mini van or suv? Also her clothes are no indication if she is pregnant or not especially if she is not showing yet or early on in pregnancy. I sometimes run through the parking lot if I am in a rush and I am almost 24 weeks. Again this makes no sense.
yeah, you can't judge someone by their looks and what they drive. I'm always running through the parking lot at work when i'm late (which is every day) even though i feel like hurling any second.?
get over it and don't hate.?
The spot says expectant mother, it doesn't say expectant mother at 25+ weeks who have trouble walking, m/s or just had surgery. The reason people are getting upset is because she doesn't have any real indication that the woman was not pregnant. She also had a opportunity to park in the spot and chose not too. So I as well as other are simply asking what's the big deal if you didn't want the spot anyway.
My BFP Chart
How do you know they are not one of theose "pregnant men"? You know, like the one on Oprah?
DD #1 born 9/07 ** DD #2 born 7/11 ** Operation Take Back My Body has begun 10/11
Upcoming Races
Gobble Wobble 5K 11/24/11 - Abington, PA 29:40
Superbowl 10K 02/05/12 - Allentown, PA 54:28 PR!!!!
Broad Street 10 Mile Run 05/06/12 - Philadelphia, PA 1:30:44
Rock and Roll Half Marathon 09/16/12 - Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia (Half?!?) Marathon 11/18/12 - Philadelphia, PA
THIS: we all have out moments where we vent about things...that's all she was doing. No need to throw the book at her. I also think the spots are useless...but I also get annoyed when I see a young person driving gramma's car with a handicap sticker/plate park in a spot that may truly be needed by someone with a disability...what are you going to say about that? That the teenage girl might actually drive the Buick/Lincoln/Cadillac and that just because she isnt walking with a cane she might actually be the one with the disability? We all know that isnt likely.
It's alright. I think pregnancy spots are ridiculous anyway. Save them for those who physically NEED to be closer to the entrance.
Exercise will not kill us. In fact! Your OB will probably tell you it's GOOD for you!!
2011 Reading Challenge
Thank you! I realize my hormones have been making me cranky lately. But I am surprised that I'm apparently the only one that would have noticed. It was weird timing for us to be parking at the same time, walking in, getting carts, it just bugged me. Not that this matters but she backed into the spot like she was used to trying to hide no handicap tags or something.
I think most people are reacting to her overreaction. I mean really, fuming over a courtesy spot and trying to think of ways to get her into trouble? Okay...
that i can see...
Every time this comes up (how ridiculous the spots are) someone always chimes in:
But but but, I was 4 wks pregnant so I'm ENTITLED to use the spot.
I was in the 2ww, I COULD have been pregnant.
She might have been one of them _bitches_.
I don't understand why everyone is getting their panties all in a bunch, she is just venting! Who cares if there is the possibility that the woman was pregnant, the OP didn't THINK she was and that is what bothered her! BFD
I saw someone doing the same thing at a Babies R Us and was bad mouthing her to my mom and then when we walked past I noticed it was my friend! haha! I said something to her, but unfortunately, she is lazy and doesn't care! I don't use them because I don't need them, but I'm sure there are some who do and I think they are a good idea