In the 1T, I had spotting after intercourse once. It was very minimal (we're talking 4-5 small drops) of pink and everything proved fine, baby has had two heart beat checks since (one at 9w1d, one at 12w1d).
Last night, after intercourse, I had two pink spots about the diameter of a pencil eraser.
Would this be considered "normal" or "call your doctor"?
For the record, my next appointment is 4/29.
Re: Spotting
I had blood dripping into the toilet on Sunday (after sex) and I went to the ER just to sure it was okay. Turns out it was, and my doc said she sees many women come in with spotting/heavier spotting after sex around 14w or so, because the cervix is softening? Or something like gets irritated more easily...
HTH, babe! I hope everything's okay.
I would call your doctor and just let them know you have post-intercourse spotting and just see what they say.
Better to be safe than sorry. I'm sure it is nothing.