2nd Trimester

u/s results..wwyd?

So I went for my big u/s on Tuesday and the baby had her legs pretty close together and then opened them slightly so that the tech could get a few pics (not great ones) of that area.  The tech said that she was pretty sure it was a girl because there was no sign at all of any kind of boy parts.  I would think that at almost 20 weeks we would have noticed something if it was a boy.  Would you take that result or try again?  I just don't want to go out and shop and the baby be a boy. 

Re: u/s results..wwyd?

  • Can you go to a 3D place and get another u/s for piece of mind?  That's what I would do.  Best Wishes!
  • MrsSRMrsSR member
    Did she see actual girl parts or just an absence of boy parts?
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  • I would get an elective ultrasound just to be sure. Just because you don't see a weiner doesn't necessarily mean it's a girl!
  • i have read that the absence of a penis does not mean it is a girl.  because it could be tucked next to the leg or mistaken as the cord.  I would not take that as you are having a girl.  sorry.
  • Mine experience was kind of similar to that and I am just telling everyone that we don't know.  I haven't bought anything gender specific.  I am going to have a growth ultrasound at 32 weeks so I am hoping that we can get a better idea then, but if not I will be team green until July.
  • I had a similar experience. Luckily at my doctor's office they offered a free "sex check" at a later date to confirm. You might ask your doctor's office if that's something they could do for you. It took me about 5 minutes to get it confirmed.
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  • We are proof that not seeing a penis does not mean girl. We got a girl guess at 16wks because the OB "didnt see anything".. lo and behold at our big 20 wk u/s with the tech.. hellloooo penis!!! The 16wk shot wasnt a great one, baby had his legs crossed too. Im not saying yours is NOT a girl, but i'd definately want reassurance.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • At our 19 week u/s our little one was playing shy too. The tech said she seen definite girl parts and gave us a 95% certainty, but since she didn't get good enough pictures for me I was super scared to get anything pink. We went in for an elective u/s at one of those 3-D clinics, but just did the gender determination u/s...although she did flip it over into 3-D for us. I would look into that if I were you! I think our elective u/s was around $90!

  • My u/s experience with this pregnancy was similar to yours. She kept crossing her legs and tucking her legs under her. But every time she moved her legs there was no penis. We could also catch glimpses of the obvious 3 white lines that signal girl parts. Did you u/s tech note this at all? I was weary at first of declaring it a girl but we managed to get 2 good shots of the 3 white lines and they look exactly like DD1 pictures (and she gave us a good wide open show) so I feel more comfortable. We are getting 3D just because they awesome, but it will help us feel better that there are no suprised on d-day!
    My 2 girls, both born on a Friday the 13th, are exactly 2 years, 2 months, 2 hours and 2 minutes apart! And Baby Boy joined us October 11, 2013! image
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  • Since the tech didn't seem to be too sure, I would probably do an elective 3d/4d US.
  • I would not be convinced it's a girl at all.  I would either go team green, or do the elective U/S.
  • imagetriplea1819:
    i have read that the absence of a penis does not mean it is a girl.  because it could be tucked next to the leg or mistaken as the cord.  I would not take that as you are having a girl.  sorry.

    This. I talked about it with my tech. There are proof for both ways. It's not just you see it then boy and if you don't then girl. Girls have a specific anatomy sign too.

  • I would definitely get an elective u/s. It's not uncommon for techs to mistakenly say it's a girl when it's really a boy.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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