So I went for my big u/s on Tuesday and the baby had her legs pretty close together and then opened them slightly so that the tech could get a few pics (not great ones) of that area. The tech said that she was pretty sure it was a girl because there was no sign at all of any kind of boy parts. I would think that at almost 20 weeks we would have noticed something if it was a boy. Would you take that result or try again? I just don't want to go out and shop and the baby be a boy.
Re: u/s results..wwyd?
At our 19 week u/s our little one was playing shy too. The tech said she seen definite girl parts and gave us a 95% certainty, but since she didn't get good enough pictures for me I was super scared to get anything pink. We went in for an elective u/s at one of those 3-D clinics, but just did the gender determination u/s...although she did flip it over into 3-D for us. I would look into that if I were you! I think our elective u/s was around $90!
This. I talked about it with my tech. There are proof for both ways. It's not just you see it then boy and if you don't then girl. Girls have a specific anatomy sign too.