2nd Trimester

I need a maid!

I just cannot get motivated t do those dishes that re staring at me, or fold and put away the pile of clean laundry that is also staring at me!

I feel almost as lazy as in the beginning! Could be the sleepless nights. Mayyyybe if I just don't do it, then DH will - hahhahaha. I'm funny.

Anybody else feelin' exceptionall lazy lately?

Re: I need a maid!

  • Me! I eventually do the chores and DH does help with his fair share but I would LOVE a maid. DH won't go for it, claiming he doesn't want a stranger cleaning his house. I'm hoping I get him to change his mind once LO is here. At least like on a monthly or bi-monthly basis for the more time consuming cleaning.
  •  Yes! And it will just keep getting worse.  All I want to do is eat, sleep and sit on my butt!
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  • you should get one! we have one that comes every other week and it has changed my life since i did most of the cleaning.
  • I am so lazy! Yesterday might have been the worst. I need to get my act together!
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  • definitely get one! ours comes every other week and does everything including folding and putting up the laundry! it makes life so much easier and allows me & DH to spend our Saturday mornings doing stuff together -- like going out to brunch,walking around the lake, or going to the Farmer's Market, etc. 

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  • I know exactly how you feel.  My husband and I just moved out of one apartment and into a two bedroom (for the LO) in the same apartment complex and I am just dragging my heels trying to get the old apartment clean.  All the packing and moving of stuff is done, but I am tempted to hire a maid to clean up the old apartment...I wonder if I could also get the maid to unpack all of my packed boxes at the new place too?  I guess a girl can dream.
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