Hi Girls
I am 24weeks 3 days and recently within the last two weeks have been feeling very light kicks near my bladder. I asked my Dr. at my appointment last week and he said its normal. I am just comparing myself to my SIL who is due 4 days after me that is already seeing the kick through her belly. Also, my little guy has been quite lazy since yesterday and I have only felt a few kicks. Anyone else experincing this? It just makes me nervous.
Re: 24 weeks at not much fetal movement
I have days where I have more movement than others. I think I've had two days where I noticed no movement, but she may have moved while I was asleep.
I'm not too concerned at this point, but I know it can be alarming.
I'm just try keeping faith that all is well.
#1. Don't compare your pregnancy to your SIL, you are both different women, with different babies and different pregnancies.
Your LO will move when LO feels like it. Decreased then increased movement is 100% normal. You don't even start counting until around 28 weeks, so no point in being worried over something normal.
I could see my baby kicking for awhile, then it decreased to where I couldn't see it but could feel it, now I can see it again.
DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs; cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama