2nd Trimester

Registry Question

Ladies, I welcome your opinions on this one.

We went to BRU to begin registering and it was very frustrating.  They don't have a lot of things in the store that we want, everything seems unorganized, and the employees weren't helpful.  I just got a bad feeling overall. 

We stopped into BuyBuyBaby and had the exact opposite feeling, I loved it there!

I'm conflicted because everyone registers at BRU and there are more locations for people to go buy things.  There is only one BBB in this area and I just worry that registering there instead of BRU will be incovenient for anyone.

What would you do?

Re: Registry Question

  • If people can order over the internet the store location doesn't matter as much. A big part of my family live in a very small town with no baby stores close. They will be buying over the computer no matter where we register. If you have a location they can go to or if they have the option of online, I think you should register where you want.
  • We didn't register at BBB because the nearest one was 30 minutes away from most of our guests.  And yes, people can go online, but some don't, and BBB doesn't offer free shipping.  So we stuck with BRU, and it worked out just fine.

     If it's going to be a pain for your guests to get stuff from BBB, I'd stick with BRU.  Either try a different one to register at, or do some registering online.  Or you can do both places.

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  • the first time i went in BRU i was overwhelmed. but now i think the store layout makes sense and i know where everything is. the staff is also very helpful. that being said, we don't have a BBB near us. maybe register for a few things at BRU so people can go there too.
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  • I was in the exact same position but I went with my gut and registered at BBB.  They are so knowledgable and really helped me feel confirdent in the choices I was making.  We will see how it goes with my shower but for now I at least know what I want.
  • I would register at the one you like better.

    Personally I'm with you. I LOVED BBB and their staff. I felt so comfortable there and the employees know what they are talking about. DH decided that he'd rather buy the stroller and carseats from there and any of the larger items. We didn't put that on our registration becuase I don't' want anybody buying them for me. 

    BBB is on the other side of the city from me and BRU is right by us and our friends so we registered at BRU.  We wont' go back unless we have to even for the completion discount and will finish buying things at BBB.

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  • I am basically in the exact same situation, and I hate BRU too.  I will register at BBB instead of BRU, it is YOUR registry, register where you want!  I will also register at target since it is more convenient.
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  • I personally found that items at BBB are more expensive than the exact same item at BRU. Pretty sure I'll be registering at BRU and Target.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
    Logan 10/20/2010 ~ Addison 8/26/2014
  • If we had a BBB in the area, we'd chose it instead of BRU. 

    Much better brands! Plus, BRU has that cheapo Wal-Mart feel to me. (at least the ones near me) 

  • There is only one BRU in our area .. well one and a half, they have small section of the TRU dedicated to baby stuff.  And they are just about to open a BBB.  And both are on the same side of town and convenient to about half of our guests.

    I am going to go with Target as our 2nd registry. There are 3 of those and they are pretty well spaced out to cover the metro and out lying areas.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I can't stand BRU and avoided it when I registered. I don't think there's a rule stating that you can only register at one store, so I would say go ahead and register at BBB and then maybe register for 15-20 things at Target or Walmart for people who don't have a BBB and don't like to order online.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Oh I love BBB!  I would have registered there for sure if they had been in the area when I had DD.  And of course they take Bed Bath & Beyond coupons (as well as their own and BRU coupons) too. 

    Most people end up registering at two places anyway (e.g. BRU and Target).  Just register at both stores.  Items that are specific to BBB can be registered for there, and everything else can be registered for at BRU.  If you don't like how disorganized BRU is, you can always register for items online instead of in-person.  

  • I registered at both and even put a few of the mid range priced things on both as well. The best part is that it is easy enough to monitor and change things online as people buy things.

    As a second time mom I look back at how stressed I was about registering. You can always take your time, add things as you decide what you like, do it online or in the store etc. It should be fun ;)  Plus you will still have to return some stuff.

  • Register at both places.
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