2nd Trimester

Seriously ladies, get your fingers out of your vag

It is not good to be feeling all around in there and attempting to give yourself a cervical exam.  So as a refresher on things that should/ shouldn't be in your vag:

Penis = OK

Vibrator/ toy = OK. Correction - only semi-OK - be gentle!

Fingers feeling all around and jabbing your cervix = NOT OK

Got it?


Re: Seriously ladies, get your fingers out of your vag

  • You're wrong. Its actually OK and much cleaner than a penis.  

  • LOL did I miss something?

    ETA: oops looked down and saw post. nvmd.


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  • bahahahahaha LCB i love you
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  • LCB34LCB34 member

    You're wrong. Its actually OK and much cleaner than a penis.  

    If it was OK to be jamming fingers up your vag and feeling your cervix than doctors would do manual cervical exams all the time instead of ultrasound exams. 

    Irritation the cervix is not healthy during pregnancy.  Would you like my high risk specialist to clue you in on this?  Because I assure you she will tell you to get your fingers away from your cervix.


  • You kill me.  Zuko and I were just talking about that.
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  • Your Pregnancy Week by Week (or whatever it's called) pretty much limits you only to a penis (no toys).  I just read that in the 24 week section.
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  • LCB, you rule, as always!
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  • nevermind...i found it...ok so much for that appetite...there are just SOME things people dont need to know! BLEH
  • imageLCB34:

    You're wrong. Its actually OK and much cleaner than a penis.  

    If it was OK to be jamming fingers up your vag and feeling your cervix than doctors would do manual cervical exams all the time instead of ultrasound exams. 

    Irritation the cervix is not healthy during pregnancy.  Would you like my high risk specialist to clue you in on this?  Because I assure you she will tell you to get your fingers away from your cervix.


    Like I said in the other post, I am fine with disagreeing with you.

    Thankfully, I am not high risk, and my doctor told me that when I had checked my cervix earlier this week it was just fine and left it at that.

  • Hilarious!!!!
  • Ugh. I found the original post.

    I am so tired of women around here diagnosing themselves with crap.



    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I can't figure out what would possess you to be trying to touch your cervix??? Ick.

    I swear, some people on here just invent things to be worried about

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  • imageHRMJPC:

    You're wrong. Its actually OK and much cleaner than a penis.  

    If it was OK to be jamming fingers up your vag and feeling your cervix than doctors would do manual cervical exams all the time instead of ultrasound exams. 

    Irritation the cervix is not healthy during pregnancy.  Would you like my high risk specialist to clue you in on this?  Because I assure you she will tell you to get your fingers away from your cervix.


    Like I said in the other post, I am fine with disagreeing with you.

    Thankfully, I am not high risk, and my doctor told me that when I had checked my cervix earlier this week it was just fine and left it at that.

    What exactly are you checking your cervix for?  Did you forget something up there?

    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageaudreybee24:

    You're wrong. Its actually OK and much cleaner than a penis.  

    If it was OK to be jamming fingers up your vag and feeling your cervix than doctors would do manual cervical exams all the time instead of ultrasound exams. 

    Irritation the cervix is not healthy during pregnancy.  Would you like my high risk specialist to clue you in on this?  Because I assure you she will tell you to get your fingers away from your cervix.


    This. Especially since you aren't trained to check. Also, comparing fingers and penises doesn't make sense. When you're having sex, the penis will very rarely come into contact with your cervix. What you're talking about is shoving your fingers up there to "examine" your own cervix. That would be much more irritating and is what we are all saying is not okay.

    Plus I'm sure your DH/SO/BD wouldn't appreciate it. Bahahah...


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  • The title of this as I just logged on made me laugh.

    Personally, my vag is the holy ground right now and nothing gets in!

  • imagezukolivie:

    I'm with LCB, if my cervix needed poking, my doc can do it.



    HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!  Ditto.

  • ::runs off to find original post::


    I hate when I'm tardy to the party. 

  • Some people around here make me laugh.


  • imageHRMJPC:

    You're wrong. Its actually OK and much cleaner than a penis.  

    I don't know what kind of penises you hang around, but most of them go straight from the shower into clean boxers and only come out to excrete sterile urine.

    Fingers have nails where bacteria can get caught under even after being washed.  I've never had a doctor put ungloved fingers in me because it just isn't sanitary or safe for them or me.

    I don't care what people do with their own cervixes, but I had to speak up on this one.

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  • LCB34LCB34 member

    You're wrong. Its actually OK and much cleaner than a penis.  

    I don't know what kind of penises you hang around


  • imageSparkleK:

    You're wrong. Its actually OK and much cleaner than a penis.  

    I don't know what kind of penises you hang around, but most of them go straight from the shower into clean boxers and only come out to excrete sterile urine.

    Fingers have nails where bacteria can get caught under even after being washed.  I've never had a doctor put ungloved fingers in me because it just isn't sanitary or safe for them or me.

    I don't care what people do with their own cervixes, but I had to speak up on this one.

    LOL. I was thinking the same thing. I guess it depends on where the penis has been....Zip it!

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  • agreed, but making another post about it is a little excessive
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  • This made me laugh. Seriously just the idea of doing a "self exam" grosses me out. Hell I don't like it when the doc does it, I don't want to go pokin around on myself either. I'm in the just my hubby's manhood please group :0)
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  • This is why I never get anything done at work, I had to finish reading BF wanting to deliver baby post (10 pages) from 1st tri, Crazy person pretending they were pregnant with triplets on multiple board, and now people giving themselves cervical exams.

    Will it ever end so I can get back to work???

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  • imagedelg23:
    agreed, but making another post about it is a little excessive

    I do not think you can get more excessive than the OP. Apparently there needs to be a PSA about not checking our own cervix.

  • imagelisaohgee:

    You're wrong. Its actually OK and much cleaner than a penis.  

    If it was OK to be jamming fingers up your vag and feeling your cervix than doctors would do manual cervical exams all the time instead of ultrasound exams. 

    Irritation the cervix is not healthy during pregnancy.  Would you like my high risk specialist to clue you in on this?  Because I assure you she will tell you to get your fingers away from your cervix.


    Like I said in the other post, I am fine with disagreeing with you.

    Thankfully, I am not high risk, and my doctor told me that when I had checked my cervix earlier this week it was just fine and left it at that.

    What exactly are you checking your cervix for?  Did you forget something up there?

     LMAO on that one...her brain maybe?

  • I think I am done on 2nd Tri board. It is becoming too dramtic for my tastes. Good job ladies making that woman feel like a complete idiot. 

    I have talked to my doctor and he said that I can do self exams if I notice that something is different than normal. Please stop being mean to people. As long as the OP did not "jab" at her cervix then there is nothing wrong, or gross, ect... about being in tune with the changes going on in your body.  

  • Geez....I just asked a question, I know you guys aren't doctors and can't tell me what is gonig on with my body, like I stated in my original post, I have already called my doctor, and I agreed that you are all right, I probably shouldn't be checking my own cervix, but saying that I'm up there looking for my brain is a little uncalled for.  Just sayin...
  • imagecolorguardgirl:

    I think I am done on 2nd Tri board. It is becoming too dramtic for my tastes.

    Actually sweetheart this is dramatic. I always laugh at a foot stomp and a GBCN. 




  • imagetmbuchmann:

    This is why I never get anything done at work, I had to finish reading BF wanting to deliver baby post (10 pages) from 1st tri, Crazy person pretending they were pregnant with triplets on multiple board, and now people giving themselves cervical exams.

    Will it ever end so I can get back to work???

    They've been fighting (going at it) for 2,000 years. When will it ever end?"

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • imagecolorguardgirl:

    I think I am done on 2nd Tri board. It is becoming too dramtic for my tastes. Good job ladies making that woman feel like a complete idiot. 

    I have talked to my doctor and he said that I can do self exams if I notice that something is different than normal. Please stop being mean to people. As long as the OP did not "jab" at her cervix then there is nothing wrong, or gross, ect... about being in tune with the changes going on in your body.  

    I agree. How can a message board full of adult women be so snarky and immature? I understand when you don't agree and state your opinion but making multiple posts just to make fun of those OPs is not approriate. Learn some morals and decent respect for other individuals.  

  • imagecolorguardgirl:

    I think I am done on 2nd Tri board. It is becoming too dramtic for my tastes. Good job ladies making that woman feel like a complete idiot. 

    I have talked to my doctor and he said that I can do self exams if I notice that something is different than normal. Please stop being mean to people. As long as the OP did not "jab" at her cervix then there is nothing wrong, or gross, ect... about being in tune with the changes going on in your body.  

    Oh, honey, if you think this is drama, you're really up shiit creek without a paddle.  Grow some big girl panties and play with us. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFruit Ticker
  • imageshellyxo:

    I think I am done on 2nd Tri board. It is becoming too dramtic for my tastes. Good job ladies making that woman feel like a complete idiot. 

    I have talked to my doctor and he said that I can do self exams if I notice that something is different than normal. Please stop being mean to people. As long as the OP did not "jab" at her cervix then there is nothing wrong, or gross, ect... about being in tune with the changes going on in your body.  

    I agree. How can a message board full of adult women be so snarky and immature? I understand when you don't agree and state your opinion but making multiple posts just to make fun of those OPs is not approriate. Learn some morals and decent respect for other individuals.  

    Another GBCN in the same post. Nearing a record.

    It's a message board. They are snarky. Don't like it, don't frequent. It's a simple concept ladies.

    And LOL at the judging of people's morals. Another drama queen.

  • imageMrs. Action:
    Geez....I just asked a question, I know you guys aren't doctors and can't tell me what is gonig on with my body, like I stated in my original post, I have already called my doctor, and I agreed that you are all right, I probably shouldn't be checking my own cervix, but saying that I'm up there looking for my brain is a little uncalled for.  Just sayin...

    LOL.  You're right.  I'm sorry.  It's not just you.  My subsequent post is directed at everyone around here who thinks they have a medical degree.

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Another GBCN in the same post. Nearing a record.

    It's a message board. They are snarky. Don't like it, don't frequent. It's a simple concept ladies.

    And LOL at the judging of people's morals. Another drama queen.  

    I am not saying GBCN and I understand about how the internet works and "anonymity cruelty". However, I have a right to speak up everytime this happens just like you guys have a right to be snarky. Just expect me to be the naysayer when it comes to these kind of threads.

  • imagedelg23:
    agreed, but making another post about it is a little excessive


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  • imageshellyxo:

    Another GBCN in the same post. Nearing a record.

    It's a message board. They are snarky. Don't like it, don't frequent. It's a simple concept ladies.

    And LOL at the judging of people's morals. Another drama queen.  

    I am not saying GBCN and I understand about how the internet works and "anonymity cruelty". However, I have a right to speak up everytime this happens just like you guys have a right to be snarky. Just expect me to be the naysayer when it comes to these kind of threads.

    Oh sweetheart really? You'll need to be here full time to be the "naysayer" on these threads because there are 90472349 of them.

    Crusaders like you usually don't last long. But GL with that.

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