2nd Trimester

The clothing saga

I feel so frustrated. I no longer fit into my regular clothes and maternity clothes are falling off of me.  Nothing fits and I feel like I can't go shopping because I'll spend money on clothes that won't fit in another week!

 Sorry for the rant but I just need to vent.

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Re: The clothing saga

  • I'm with you! All of a sudden my pants stopped fitting this week.

    I'm planning to hit up Kohl's and Old Navy for inexpensive transitional pieces - a pair of dress pants, some yoga pants and a few nice tops. I'll just buy a few sizes up. This way I'll have transitional pieces to wear post-baby while I work my way back into my prebaby weight. 'Cause nothing is worse than trying to stuff yourself back into clothes that don't fit.

  • Just go buy a few pieces that work for now.  That's what I did.  That way, you have a few items to wear after the baby is born before you fit back into your pre-PG clothes.

    I just broke down this past weekend and bought my first maternity pants.  They are sooo much more comfortable.  The lady at the store (Motherhood Maternity) said to just buy things as you grow.  She often sees ladies trying to buy everything for their whole pregnancy at 20 weeks.  Since it's hard to determine how you're going to grow, it's silly to do this.


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  • I'm starting to get there as well.  I figure I only have another week or two before I'm on the prowl for something to bridge me to full maternity clothes.  Now that the weather's getting warmer, try some spring/summer dresses?  Ones with an empire waist should give you the room you need AND be fine for after pregnancy too.  Just be creative.  Good luck!

  • I would buy a few pairs of inexpensive pants & shirts in a larger, non-maternity size. You'll wear them again post partum as your body returns to it's pre-pregnancy state.  Shopping for non-maternity clothes 7 weeks post partum is not a fun experience.
  • Bella Band, baby, Bella Band!


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  • I am with you except I am getting HUGE! At least I think so. I almost cried trying to figure out what to wear this morning.
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