2nd Trimester

Shower hostess gifts--how much to spend?

There are four hostesses throwing my shower this weekend, all very close friends.  I've been at a loss as to what to give them--it is going to be a very nice, elaborate shower so I want to give them something really good.  I would do spa gift certificates but they all live in different areas and I've left it too long to track down good day spas in their respectives hometowns. 

I'm now thinking about giving each of them a pair of Tory Burch flipflops.  These girls are all super stylish and love Tory Burch, and I like the idea of giving them something summery (I live in a beach town).  The flops are $45/pair. 

Is that a ridiculous amount to spend on hostess gifts?

Re: Shower hostess gifts--how much to spend?

  • LCB34LCB34 member
    I was going to suggest $50 per hostess so the flip flops sound like a wonderful idea!
  • I've never heard of buying hostess gifts before. We always just do thank you cards.
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  • imagetrinakb:
    I've never heard of buying hostess gifts before. We always just do thank you cards.

    I had 16 hostesses for my church bridal shower. It was insane. I had to do biscotti and coffee gift baggies to keep the cost down and even that was over $150!

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  • I think that is a great idea.  Very cute and perfect for the start of summer.
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  • I think that would be reasonable and appropriate!
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  • Thanks for the feedback, everyone!  I just ordered the flip flops (including a pair for myself, couldn't resist) and I know the hostesses will love them!
  • Great idea!  It also sounds very personal...which I think makes a gift that much better :-)
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  • For any shower I have ever been a hostess of I have gotten things like a bag with a Yankee candle, cute little notepad, personalized coffee mug, etc.  I recently hosted a bridal shower and received a huge gift card to a spa, it was super nice and I was really surprised.  So, the spa thing is my rec!
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