This is my first day in my second trimester. I'm so happy to finally be here! The nausea is subsiding for the most part (although last night I had to leave Babies R Us early because I wasn't feeling well). Overall, I have been feeling much better. After about six weeks, I felt like a train hit me and I literally couldn't get out of bed without either throwing up or nearly falling down. I had to quit my job because of it... it was just that bad. At least that's in the past now, I hope!
Oh, and the cravings have started in full blast! Yesterday I couldn't get enough cream cheese and rice. Not together, though. I haven't gotten hungry yet this morning, so I don't know what's in store for me today. It seems my tastes change daily.
Also yesterday, a nurse at my OB called to schedule a fetal endocardiogram for June 18th. My dad was born with a heart defect they didn't find until well into his 40s and he had to have a valve replacement because of it, so there's a possibility my baby could have it. I'm not going to panic until I hear that the baby does have it. I guess this appointment just marks how far along I've come. That, and my baby bump.
Thanks for listening to my rambles. I certainly have that pregnancy brain thing going on.
Re: Finally! New to second tri.
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Congrats and welcome to 2nd tri!
I hope everything goes well with the endocardiogram.