What are your top 3 fears of giving birth (if you even have 3)? I've been thinking (rather obsessing) a lot about this lately and here are my top 3:
1) Having to have an unexpected c-section
2) Wanting an epidural and not being able to get one
3) Dieing during labor (pretty unrealistic but it's a huge fear of mine)
Re: What are your fears of L&D?
1) Something being wrong with my little girl
2) The pain/tearing of an child birth
3) Having a c-section
Ditto. Except baby boy.
1) The pain...My plan, right now, is to go med free, but I understand that is subject to change...
2) Something wrong with my LO
3) Tearing...ouch!
4) I too, am afraid of dying. I know it's very unrealistic but it's a fear of mine. I think because there is just so much to live for now...
Sorry, that was 4!
1. Having another emergency csection
2. Having another NICU baby (both my boys have been NICU babies) I want to be able to leave the hospital with a baby this time!!
The pain from intense contractions
Having to get an emergency C-section
1. something happening to baby
2. having the most minimal medical intervention possible (no c-section, minimal drugs, etc)
3. timing of labor and delivery---I am scared to death that I am going to go into labor way before I'm supposed to
something being wrong/happening to baby
not making it to the hospital in time.
2. Tearing
3. Uterine rupture
1) Being able to deal with the pain. I'm planning on going med-free and I feel great about my decision, but I'm still nervous.
2) That the baby will be stillborn or have an awful medical condition/disorder
3) Dying during childbirth. I know it's rare, but it terrifies me the most.
1) Having an unexpected c-section
2) Needing to be induced
3) Not being able to handle labor without drugs as well as last time
That there is something wrong with LO.
That I'll need a c-section.
That I'll tear...but this is about the same level of fear that I have in not getting the birth I want, i.e. that my midwife can't attend and I have a doctor that pushes me to take an epidural, do a c-section, that acts like my concerns are not a big deal, that I'm taking too long, etc. I've met one in my practice already that I'm hoping I don't get during the delivery!
1. Pretty much having any intervention pushed on me. Because I work in this field, I have my own opinions on the cascade of interventions and in my opinion they are just that--a cascade. I'm willing to accept any intervention (anything from pitocin to an epi to a c-section) if it's needed, but I'm not up for speeding things along to make things more convenient for anyone.
2. 4th degree tears. I have no issue with a small tear, they happen, but a serious one leading to incontinence or other issues is SOOO not on my list of things to do.
3. Getting put under for an emergency c-section. It's really important to me that right after birth DH and I get to bond with baby: skin to skin contact, nursing, etc, as it really sets the stage and helps bonding and nursing go more smoothly later. I would really hate to miss out on that time in a drug-induced fog.
1) Dying or losing the baby
2) Needing a C-section
3) Major tearing
This- except mine is a boy as well and I'm more afraid of having a c-section after hours of labor.
This, worded exactly. Skyejo...you read my mind!
I have no fears this time around. I had the best labor experience with DS. It was quick and easy. the only thing I am going to do different is get the epidural as soon as they offer it because with DS they offered it to me like 4 different times and my pain wasn't bad so I said I would wait longer. Well, my contractions started to relax a bit so they gave me pitocin and OMG the pitocin contractions hurt like a B*TCH!!! my contractions went suddenly from manageable to horrible in the split of a second! It was as if they turned the pain light switch on! To make matters worse, I had to wait to get the epi because the anaesthesiologist was busy when I requested it. So I learned my lesson and this time around I am going to get it when they offer it.
For those of you that are afraid of an episiotomy or tearing, its really not bad (unless of course you have a super bad tear). They did an episiotomy on me but I still tore a bit internally because DS came too fast (In fact, they were telling me to try to hold him in! LOL). I was afraid of the pain I would feel afterwards but I really didn't feel anything except for the normal aftermath of labor. I really hope this time around I am as lucky because I do not want a C-section.
1. Something going wrong and the use of a vacuum, forseps or emergency C section (and obviously the reprecutions to that [Cp, brain damage, epilepsy])
2. The catheter they use for the epideral.. (I know its irrational, but Im terrified of a tube in my spine)
3. Embarassment, Im a pretty private person.. I know this is shallow and not realistic, but I know I will humiliated if I fart,throw up, poop or pee while dilivering... and I mean knowing my luck, I will do it all
(I also dont want anyone but the doctor to see my wahoo.. I really dont want my DHs memory of our first child being born, ripping apart my lady parts)
This exactly.
This is my one and only fear. I would pretty much rather die than take a dump in front of my husband. Seriously. Is anyone else bothered by this?
I pretty much have to get a c-section because of previous pelvis injuries from a car accident and I am really nervous. I hate surgery and imagining myself being awake while they slice me open freaks me out.
My worst fear is that the epidural wont take and I'll feel everything.
yeah but the recovery sucks.
1. Something wrong with baby
2. Baby not coming out, like being stuck under pelvic bone. I saw this once on a Baby Story and can't get it out of my mind.
3. Epidural only taking effect on one side (again, Baby Story induced fear)