I have two girlfriends that have recently had little girls. They have everything girly you could possibly want- hair bows, decorated burp cloths, clothes, etc. They also have all the normal little toys and things from their first babies. I'm at a loss!! Any ideas??
Re: 2nd baby gift ideas?
Not for our 2nd child, but one of the gifts I loved (and have since given) is a personalized lullaby cd. I've bought them at the bible bookstore near me, so you may be able to find them there. https://www.christianbook.com/youre-an-angel-personalized-lullaby-music/pd/96155Y?kw=96155Y&en=froogle&p=1013824&cm_mmc=CBDfeeds-_-froogle-_-music-_-96155Y
I was amazed they had one with "Morris" as the name! And now they are some of my favorite songs to sing to DS.