2nd Trimester

Any idea on weight gain...

Question about weight gain. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, just my routine check up. She reviewed the results of my ultrasound: everything is perfect. Baby is measuring right down to the day, my EDD is bang on, my placenta looks awesome, fluid levels are perfect, basically a textbook pregnancy (so far...knock on wood).

In total, through 21 weeks, I've gained a total of 13lbs. I didn't have one iota of morning sickness or nausea, so I didn't lose anything in the 1st tri. My appetite has been the same all the way through, and I've been able to stay active. I'm pretty happy with that, as i thought I'd gained more, and so was my doctor. She said given the fact I wasn't sick and have been able to keep up my muscle mass through weight lifting, all the weight gained is likely baby and baby stuff, not extra fat.

Just curious as to opinions and what other's weight gain was at 21 weeks. Am I gaining a lot??

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Re: Any idea on weight gain...

  • LCB34LCB34 member

    Posts like this are ridiculous.  Everyone gains differently.

  • Its really hard to compare. I learned with my first pregnancy you shouldn't because you can drive yourself nuts! :) For example, with my first pregnancy, at 21 weeks, I was up 25 lbs!! I felt horrible about it, but my doctor said it was fine. This pregnancy, I will be 21 weeks on Friday and I am up 9 lbs. I had a lower end of average BMI pre-preg with both. All pregnancies are different. I am not eating any differently with this one than I did with my first one, so it really proves you can't compare yourself to other women or other pregnancies! If your doctor is happy, then that's what matters. :)

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  • It is recommended that you gain 5 lbs the first trimester and a pound per week afterward. So at 21 weeks that is 14lbs, so I would say you are right on track. For many the weight start creeping up at the end and that is when you need to watch it a little more.
  • imageLCB34:

    Posts like this are ridiculous.  Everyone gains differently.

    Ditto. I've lost weight as I did with DD1. But I am overweight and am not suppose to gain at the most 10-15 for the whole pg.

    Everyone is different.


  • Were you a heifer before you got pg?  If so, then you've probably gained too much.  Were you heroin-sheik?  Then you probably haven't gained enough. 

    What did your Dr. say?

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I feel like these posts need full disclosure of your pre-pregnancy weight, height, and BMI to name a few things.  Then you're able to do a pretty good comparison but it's impossible to compare weights without more info.

    I'm not sure if your weight gain is good or bad without knowing anything else about you, but it sounds about right.

  • Sounds about right to me.  I started off at 5'3'' and 115lbs and am up 11lbs at 20 weeks.  About the same as with my first pregnancy at this point.

    Weight is just a number.  Eating healthy, getting some exercise and getting enough rest/sleep are the most important things.

  • This article helps a lot....everybody is totally different.  You can't compare your weight gain with other women. 


    Weight gain during pregnancy

    Women who were relatively 'underweight' for their height before they conceived often find that their body naturally 'adjusts' by putting on more weight during pregnancy. This is because necessary fat stores are being laid down by the body to maintain the pregnancy and support breastfeeding after the birth. If this is the case, the woman's weight will increase by a certain amount (to be more in line with her 'ideal weight range' for her height), as well as her expected pregnancy weight gain. Even though the woman does not really look overweight, she has put on quite a few more kilograms than expected.
    Women who were relatively 'overweight' for their height before they conceived often find that they put on very little weight during pregnancy (or perhaps even naturally lose some weight at different stages). This is because the existing fat stores become depleted by the increased physical needs of the pregnancy and an increased metabolism. This is normal and regarded as being safe if you continue to eat a well-balanced diet.
    If you are excessively sick during the earlier months of pregnancy, you may find you do not put on any weight for a while (or possibly even lose weight). Usually when the nausea and/or vomiting settles, your appetite returns and you have a 'growth spurt' for a few weeks, as your body 'catches up'. Of course if your vomiting gets to the point where you are becoming dehydrated, it may be necessary to see your caregiver and be admitted to the hospital for a drip in the vein, and/or medications to help stop the vomiting. You can read more in morning sickness.
    Some women retain more fluid than others. Fluid retention and swelling (or oedema) affects about 65% of healthy pregnant women with a normal blood pressure, usually after about 20 weeks of the pregnancy.
    Most women carrying twins, triplets or more will put on more weight, however it is not 'double' or 'triple' the expected amount. Many women carrying multiples find that their weight gain is not that much different from women having a single baby. As a guide for twins you may put on up to 15 to 20 kgs (or more) and for triplets it may be up to 20 to 25 kgs (or more). Be aware that with triplets or quads, your babies will probably be born premature (less than 37 weeks) and therefore your weight gain will generally be put on early and more quickly
    PPD/PPA Mom...it has been super hard, but I'm making it! Slow steps...
    Mom to Carter (6), and Calianne (1).  
    Proud VBAC, natural birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering momma!

  • imageSparkleK:

    Were you a heifer before you got pg?  If so, then you've probably gained too much.  Were you heroin-sheik?  Then you probably haven't gained enough. 

    What did your Dr. say?

     LOL. I think I love you.

    Seriously, I will never understand why women obsess over their weight while pregnant, ESPECIALLY when your doctor, who is a professional, tells you that your weight gain is fine.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

    I agree that all of your info. should be disclosed regarding your height, weight and frame size. I mean seriously there is at least one of these posts a week and they don't make much sense without the necessary information.

    A person that is obese or underweight is much different than an average weight person in regards to how much weight should be gained during pregnancy.  

  • sounds like normal weight gain. I haven't put weight on anywhere except my belly and I'm at 17lbs for 21 weeks
  • imageSparkleK:

    Were you a heifer before you got pg?  If so, then you've probably gained too much.  Were you heroin-sheik?  Then you probably haven't gained enough. 

    What did your Dr. say?


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickersimage
  • Everyone is different :) I say as long as your Dr. says you're good you're good!

    I was 285lbs pp, and haven't gained yet. 

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  • I do believe that it really depends on a lot of factors, and that every pregnancy is different. My 1st child I gained 30 lbs with a pp weight of 105 lbs. My 2nd I gained 67 lbs with pp weight at 115 lbs. So far in this pregnancy I've gained 21 lbs and I'm on my 22nd week, my pp weight was 100 lbs. FYI I'm 5'6". I can still fit into my size 0 jeans everywhere except in the waist so I need to use a bellaband. I'm really not strict on what I eat, I am one to give in to my cravings and just enjoy my pregnancy. I do prenatal yoga once or 2 times a week. I do think I walk a lot but I haven't started walking as exercising, maybe tomorrow Wink
  • imagecvil707:

    was 100 lbs. FYI I'm 5'6".

    Holy crap!

  • I agree that these posts are ridiculous.  But I have to add, if your doctor isn't concerned, why are you?  You have a "textbook" PG afterall.
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