I am pregnant now, but for 4 years have worked in a clinic as a social worker. Unless you have some compelling high-risk factor (like twins or diabetes), you are seen by a mid-level provider here. Just wondering who people here are going to for prenatal care...[Poll]
Re: Clicky poll-Prenatal care providers
I don't think my GP has the resources to do prenatal care.
Midwives aren't allowed to practice in Alabama.
So that leaves the OB.
Only 27 states have legal CPMs - I don't know about CNMs, though.
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)
According to the American College of Nurse-Midwives www.midwife.org:
CNMs have legal authority to practice in every state, the District of Columbia and most of the US Territories.
I guess a CPM is a certified professional midwife?
Special Snowflake:
I see a Perinatologist aka a High Risk Speicalist.
OB/GYN. I wanted to switch to a CNM, but I thought long and hard about it. I had a very recent LEEP and my OB is monitoring me closely for cervical incompitence. So I decided to stay with my OB.
I'm not concerned with who catches my baby. I'd actually rather it be a CNM.
yeah, lay midwife and CPM are pretty much the same thing, though I think there are different types of lay midwives, or CPM credentials are different state-by-state.
I was thinking CNMs are legal everywhere, as they've gone to nursing school. thanks for looking it up
DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)