Cough drops are definitely safe. It's like saying that chewing gum isn't safe. Just avoid things like Cepacol that may have an topical anesthetic ingredient in drops. Otherwise, generic drops like Halls, Vicks, Ricola = all fine, don't suffer. Gargling with salt + warm water is great for killing off throat viruses. Also, drinking water+lemon+honey is a great cough syrup/throat lubricant. Btw, I'm a doctor, so I'm giving you advice that is based on at least some evidence Hope you feel better soon!
Re: Lozenges okay for sore throat?
I did a couple Halls when I had a sore throat. But I used them sparingly.
Have you considered gargling with good 'ole warm water and sea salt? It's natural
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for a non-medicinal alternative you could try hard candies/mints (like altoids, tic-tacs, cherry or butter scotch...)