We pay about $7,000 a year and we have no land at all. Our house is about 2700 sq ft and we have a teeny tiny back yard (I'm talking like 20x10). We live in the city though so we have more green space than most.
Holy crap. For my condo (before I sold it), we paid $2K per year. The town of Ridgefield valued at about $200K or so. For these taxes, we had an amazing small town sense of community, great schools (in fact, voted the 3rd best in the northeast), awesome activities, concerts in the town park in summer, etc.
Your taxes depend on the mil rate in your particular town/municipality/county, as well as how the homes are assessed...usually, the assessment is 70% of the sale appraisal.
Ick. I would be PISSED for paying that much! But you're in Long Island...
The funny thing is, in CT, your tax mil rate depends on the city you're in. And, obviously, how the city handles money is key. There are two cities here, Waterbury and Bridgeport, that have filed for bankruptcy multiple times. They have some of the highest mil rates in the northeast. In Bridgeport, our 3-family was assessed at about $150K, and the taxes were almost $12K per year.
In cities like those here, the schools are horrible, the amount of low income and affordable housing and Section 8 housing is huge, as well as the percentage of the population that is living on some sort of public assistance.
I live in S. Jersey and we have about an acre lot and we pay $12,000 per year. Most of my friends in PA pay like $2,000 a year. On top of that, I have homeowner association fees. I hear ya on the crying part.
Wow. Crazy. I was the one who posted the home cost post and though our home prices here in Alberta, Canada seem to be a bit high, we only pay 2400/year for property taxes. And we have a huge, double, pie lot. Crazy! Your property taxes are as much as our mortgage payment each month!
Wow. Crazy. I was the one who posted the home cost post and though our home prices here in Alberta, Canada seem to be a bit high, we only pay 2400/year for property taxes. And we have a huge, double, pie lot. Crazy! Your property taxes monthly are as much as our mortgage payment each month!
Sorry- but that is why I refuse to move back to LI. I grew up there and the taxes are insane. I'm still in the city now and we pay about $5000 but we're looking at both NJ and Westchester. Westchester is almost as bad as LI. NJ seems a little better but not compared to other parts of the country. We just live in a very expensive area for all taxes. My DH wants to move back to Texas (where he's from) and sometimes I have a hard time justifying living here!
3 IUI's and 2 IVF's later- Brady arrived. Born at 36 weeks after PUPPS and pre-e/HELLP.
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again
Re: Home cost post got me thinking
We pay about $7,000 a year and we have no land at all. Our house is about 2700 sq ft and we have a teeny tiny back yard (I'm talking like 20x10). We live in the city though so we have more green space than most.
Holy crap. For my condo (before I sold it), we paid $2K per year. The town of Ridgefield valued at about $200K or so. For these taxes, we had an amazing small town sense of community, great schools (in fact, voted the 3rd best in the northeast), awesome activities, concerts in the town park in summer, etc.
Your taxes depend on the mil rate in your particular town/municipality/county, as well as how the homes are assessed...usually, the assessment is 70% of the sale appraisal.
Ick. I would be PISSED for paying that much! But you're in Long Island...
The funny thing is, in CT, your tax mil rate depends on the city you're in. And, obviously, how the city handles money is key. There are two cities here, Waterbury and Bridgeport, that have filed for bankruptcy multiple times. They have some of the highest mil rates in the northeast. In Bridgeport, our 3-family was assessed at about $150K, and the taxes were almost $12K per year.
In cities like those here, the schools are horrible, the amount of low income and affordable housing and Section 8 housing is huge, as well as the percentage of the population that is living on some sort of public assistance.
WOW! we're on the north shore (ok, almost in NH) and pay about $5,000 a year on 1/2 acre - I can't imagine paying that much!
IUI- BFN IVF #1 -BFP! Allie is our 2nd IVF baby. Born at 36 1/2 weeks after pre-e again