2nd Trimester

once upon a time

I was a stay at home mom. I was at home with my DD & DS. This time around I am going back to work after *GASP* 12 weeks IF I work until i deliver. I am also used to nursing which I am not sure how that will work if I am working 8:30-5. I am so newvous about leaving my LO with basically a stranger on a daily basis. Anyone else going through this?

Re: once upon a time

  • I'm not going through it- but I do work full-time. I'm sure it will be hard for you, it was definitely hard going back to work but I was able to leave LO with DH as he's home during the day. I breastfed for 8.5 months - I pumped 3x day at work and it worked out fine. It was my way of bonding with DD while away. Good luck!

    Mama to 4 kids: girl 2009, boy 2010, girl 2012, boy 2014


  • I'm working up to the date of my c-section.  Then I plan to be back at work within 6 to 9 weeks, depending on how I'm healing.  In addition, I'm going to be working from home for 5 to 8 of the weeks I am home.  It sucks, but my job can't be filled by anyone.  I have an aggressive caseload and it could prejudice my clients if it's dumped on someone else. 

    I guess that's why I spent so much time researching daycare facilities and picked one that I feel comfortable with.  I know that no one can give my daughter the attention I could, but I didn't spend so many years and money on schooling to quit my job now.  Plenty of kids have been in daycare and come out fine.  I'm sure she'll be fine too.  At least that's what I tell myself to feel better.

     I'm also breastfeeding.  I plan to pump while at the office.  I'll just close my office door during pumping sessions. 

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  • Thanks. I know people do it every day its just hard knowing I didnt do it with the other two so I kind of feel like I am abandoning LO. Even though I know I'm not really. Thanks for the words of encouragement!
  • completly not the topic of this post..but did you see the post i made for you yesterday LILBIT1221??
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