2nd Trimester

Let's talk monitors

Do any of you ladies have an clue on what type of monitoring system you will be putting in the babies room? DH and I have been looking into the Angel Care system, but were wondering if it was worth the money?
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Re: Let's talk monitors

  • I don't believe we've settled on a specific one yet, but we definately will be getting one that's video as well. Especcially since baby will be going straight into crib in the nursery.
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  • We had the Angelcare monitor and I can say that it is 200%  worth the money. The peace of mind it offered me (I am a paranoid worrier) was priceless.
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  • we were given a video monitoring system by my aunt to use down stairs (all bedrooms are up) but the baby will be with us in our room for the fisrt few months
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  • We will be getting the Summer Infant Slim & Secure video monitor. 
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  • We did a long range Graco monitor (the iMonitor maybe?) for my son. It did fine, and we had no problems with it. Every once in a while I wished I had gotten a video monitor - esp now that he'll go down for a nap but decide to play quietly for 45 minutes before falling asleep - but overall I'm happy with the one we got.

    For this kiddo, we're talking about getting a video monitor just because we're moving and this baby will be in his/her nursery much earlier than J was. Look on craigslist for used video monitors - they're a dime a dozen on there. 

  • imageGummybear:
    We had the Angelcare monitor and I can say that it is 200%  worth the money. The peace of mind it offered me (I am a paranoid worrier) was priceless.


    This is me as well, so thats why we're leaning towards getting that specific brand. But we want to make sure it's worth the money.

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  • I got the Summer Infant Flat Screen Color Video Monitor for DS and I love it. I like that it's a video and you can watch and hear him.  I still use it every night.  I wake up a once or so at night and just look at the monitor to make sure he's okay. 
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  • I registered for the Sony Baby Call monitor. It's not terribly expensive, had all the features that I wanted, and has really great reviews.
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  • We have the anglecare monitor and we followed ALL the directions, set it to it's most sensitive setting and we still got loads and loads of false alarms.  Other than that, it worked fine - the false alarms got really old though.

    We recently moved DD out of the nursery and into her "big girl room" and tried one of the summer infant video systems.  The feedback we got was awful ~ whenever I tried to have the monitor by our bed, I kept hearing this obnoxious galloping sound.  That got returned right away.

    Now I have the Sony monitor and am very happy with it.  I wish I could see her too, but I can at least decipher a lot just from what I hear.

  • We had an angelcare monitor and I really don't think it's worth the money, we will be buying a video monitor this time instead.

    My problem with the angelcare is that when they are still really little they can breath really shallow and set the alarm off, and when they get to be just a little bigger as soon as they roll off the sensor or get near the end it sets of the alarm as well, after 2-3 false alarms we ended up turning off the sensor and just using the sound part. I was having a heartattach everytime it went off and on nights it didn't I was beginning to anticipate the alarm, it was awful.

  • We're going with the summer video monitor.

    I'm a terrible sleeper and I figure if I can see LO then I won't disturb him by going into the room.  I'm hoping it solves my paranoia but I doubt it.

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  • all this talk of video monitors is making me double think. Thanks Ladies!
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  • Baby Bargains has a lot of good information on Monitors.  It educates you on feedback and frequency as well, which is helpful since not everyone will have the same feedback issues.
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  • imagedrewiekc:
    We will be getting the Summer Infant Slim & Secure video monitor. 

    This and the AngelCare, perhaps overkill, but mommy is paranoid!

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  • We used a Fisher Price sounds and lights monitor with DS and it worked great for us. I didn't need a video system and was very comfortable with this. I definitely obsessively checked on him when he first transitioned to his nursery but mellowed out after a week or two. Then after a couple months we quit using the monitor all together as our house is quite small & we could easily hear DS when he fussed. Now it only gets turned on if he's napping & we are outside or in the garage.
  • I'm looking into the imogen monitor.  It works with the internet and the iphone.  Since I will have a nanny when I go back to work I would like to be able to pull the image up on my computer.  The sound doesn't work with the iphone, but they are supposed to be rectifying that sometime soon.
  • I have the Sony Audio Monitor.  I've never felt the need to have a video/angelcare.  Audio works fine for our needs.
  • imagedrewiekc:
    We will be getting the Summer Infant Slim & Secure video monitor. 

    We got this, as well (in pink)!

  • We're going with the mobicam digital wireless video monitor. I like that you don't have to worry about interference, and we can hook it up to see baby on the tv in our bedroom.
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  • summer infant video monitor - worth every penny.  I have found that I used it all the time as a baby, but it really came in most handy as we worked through sleeping issues so I could see what our ds was doing in bed.  If he was crying I knew he wasn't stuck or hurt . . .it allowed me to see that he was crying because he lost his binkie . . .or that he was just crying and needed some time.  It has been GREAT!  Will have another one with this baby . . . .
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