2nd Trimester

A line already?!?

So I'm only 14w4d and I've already got the line on my belly! Not only does it go from my belly button to my crotch, but it also goes up towards my sternum! Gah! Isn't it a bit early for this?? I guess it's a hormonal thing because I'm not even showing yet. It's better than stretch marks though (although I'll probably get those too). Hopefully it won't get any darker than what it is since it's pretty light.

Re: A line already?!?

  • I did a post about this last week I just started seeing my linea nigra last week (21 weeks)  it is super light right now and it is from my belly button down.


  • I think each person is different- I don't have a line at all (yet)

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  • I think linea nigra is very normal and it gets darker with the further along you are and the darker your skin is to begin with.
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  • imagesmbckr2:
    I think linea nigra is very normal and it gets darker with the further along you are and the darker your skin is to begin with.

    I hope not! But I am very fair skinned so hopefully it doesn't get TOO bad. I just didn't expect it THIS early.

  • Haha mine only showed up a couple weeks ago. But the OWT is that if your line goes up past your belly button it is a boy.... and that was right for me :) Not that I take much stock in OWT but I thought I'd share just for fun!!
  • I got one the first time so I knew I'd get one this time too.  Mine is just starting to get dark again.

    I was surprised how long it lasted after I had the baby.  I found that exfoliating really helped start to lighten it post baby.

  • I have a nice little line going down, but it's of hair! And I have never been a hairy person. Lovely I tell you!
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  • I have a very faint line, but it only goes from my belly button up.  Weird.  I don't know if it's a linea negra or something else strange.  I thought linea negra always went from your belly button down with some extending up towards the sternum.  I have nothing below my belly button.  Maybe it just hasn't shown up completely.

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  • I first noticed mine around 19 weeks and then just this week I noticed it has spread to going above my belly button now.  It's still very light and I'm hoping it stays that way! 
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  • its never too early to get it! lol I have not gotten one, we shall see if it ever appears.

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  • I just noticed this last night too! I've always had the one from my belly button down, but now I have one from my boobs to my belly button. It's really faint, though. For now.
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  • I just noticed mine this past weekend (at almost 22 wks) while trying on swimsuits.  I think until I was in that horrid dressing room lighting I couldn't really see it.  But I got home and had DH look...and sure enough, it is light but definitely there.  Sexy!
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