My friends felt the baby sooner than me,
I am 15 weeks and haven't yet. I don't know when
people usually feel the baby for the first time- Figured before I worried, I would ask you guys.
Everyone feels the baby at different times depending on the person. I felt mine around week 16 or so but some ladies didn't feel theirs until after week 20. So relax it may be just a little bit early for you.
I am 18 weeks and still haven't felt my LO, and I am not worried. You may feel little things, but just not know what you are feeling-- and I think 15 weeks is on the early side to feel movement if this is your first and you don't know what it feels like.
I started to feel the faintest of flutters yesterday, and they're back again this right at 17 weeks. I have to be sitting pretty still to feel them.
I am 19 weeks, and I have felt almost a popcorn feeling...but other than that once or twice...NOTHING...the doctor said it was early! So....I will just be patient!
Haven't felt anything "fluttery" yet, but occasionally I feel a little spasm of sorts near the hair line, usually in the middle or to my right. It started about 4 days ago, I'm not sure if it's baby or not though.
I can't wait until I can tell for sure it's baby moving around in there!
I felt flutters that I knew were LO around 17.5 weeks. They've become consistently stronger since. Now I can feel kicks from the outside if he's kicking hard enough.
This is my first baby and I didn't feel her until 21 weeks. It turns out I have an anterior placenta, so the baby was kicking that instead of me. I wouldn't worry about not feeling the kicks yet. My doctor said even with normal placentas, a lot of women don't feel kicks till after 18 weeks.
Re: How long before you felt the flutter?
Do not worry.
With DD, I hardly felt anything, as I had anterior placenta. With this baby, I started feeling flutters about a week and a half ago.
I think I felt something last week, but I am still not 100% positive. It happened pretty quick and just once. I haven't felt anything since.
For me it wasn't a flutter like I've heard people describe, it was more like a flick, in my lower abdomen, just about the pubic hair line.
Haven't felt anything "fluttery" yet, but occasionally I feel a little spasm of sorts near the hair line, usually in the middle or to my right. It started about 4 days ago, I'm not sure if it's baby or not though.
I can't wait until I can tell for sure it's baby moving around in there!