Babies: 9 - 12 Months

would you use a sick day for this?

DH has a pretty bad cold and he's home with DS today while I'm at work. DH is pretty miserable when he is sick, and very whiny! He's already texted me twice. DS is being a little high maintenance and doesn't want to be put down at all. I know my DH wanted me to stay home from work today, but I couldn't bear the thought of being home with him complaining all day long about having a cold, not to mention I have an important meeting this morning. I'm working from home tomorrow, so I figured I'd let him tough it out today.

But of course, now I feel guilty to be at work. Should I have used a sick day? Or would it be dumb to use a sick day just because DH has a cold and DS is being a little high maintenance? WWYD? Just curious.

I hate to sound insensitive, but c'mon--it's just a cold! Wanna say, suck it up DH!

Re: would you use a sick day for this?

  • When I've been really sick, I ask DH to stay home from work. It is so hard taking care of a baby while you're sick. Granted, I can't really take anything because I'm breastfeeding so it's a little bit different. But, I was also paranoid that I would give it to DS if I were around him too much.

    I probably would have stayed home.

    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • You DH sounds eerily similar to my are such babies when they are sick (they say they are sick...most of the time it's just a cold)...I would definetly let him suck it up today...he can have a nice nap when your LO naps and you will be there tomorrow and he can rest...
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  • Last time I was really sick (I had the flu--h1n1--when DS was 2w old) DH took the week of too help me out.

    I definitely would have stayed home and returned the favor to him.

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  • I have stayed  home when DH was sick but he has done the same for me too.  It's never occured to us not to if the other one is in need.
  • If all it really is, is 'just a cold', I say just take some DayQuil and be done with it.

    Honestly, men are babies when they're sick.

    But maybe you can soften the blow by leaving early today?

    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Maybe you can leave after your big meeting.
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  • He can suck it up. I've had to when I've been sick.
    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers image
  • I probably would have gone to work unless DH was really sick. Can you take half a day? Is there family nearby that can help your DH?

    Abigail Noelle, 8.29.09
    Brady Phoenix, 8.29.09
    Claire Zoe, 10.26.10

  • imagejenn_darrin1515:
    You DH sounds eerily similar to my are such babies when they are sick (they say they are sick...most of the time it's just a cold)...I would definetly let him suck it up today...he can have a nice nap when your LO naps and you will be there tomorrow and he can rest...

    Ditto.  Men are babies!

  • I'd let my DH tough it out.  In my situation though, it would be slight "payback" (wrong word, but you know what I mean) because DH travels alot for work.  He always seems to be traveling while I'm sick.  So not only am I sick (once with stomach bug, multiple times with bad colds) but I'm on 24 hours with DS. 

    I think though in your situation if you have an important meeting and you are home tomorrow, unless he's so sick he can't physically take care of LO, I would let him stick it out, but maybe leave work a little early if possible.

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