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Hooray for Baby Jake! Sam was too busy eating to care.
Woohoo! Go Jake!
p.s. I adore both of their wide-mouth smiles :0).
Cityplanner:Wow, yay! Is that actual footage of the first pull up or did you get him to recreate the event for you?
Actual! We got three pics. One with both hands, one when he turned and then this was the third.
Cityplanner:Nice work then, paparazzi!
I admit it, I am a milestone stalker.
:::hangs head:::
Re: My drool bot pulled up!
Woohoo! Go Jake!
p.s. I adore both of their wide-mouth smiles :0).
Actual! We got three pics. One with both hands, one when he turned and then this was the third.
Proud mama to a boys- 6/17/09 - a girl 2/23/11- and a boy 8/20/12
I admit it, I am a milestone stalker.
:::hangs head:::