So MIL doesn't really understand boundaries. She likes to just come over unannounced whenever she feels like it and just walks right in. I tried to stop this by always keeping the doors locked and having DH ask her to always call.
So then she would call before coming over, BUT would come over even if we didn't answer, saying "I tried to call". Or she would call and ask from our DRIVEWAY.
When we were out of town for easter she broke in through a window to get in our house! WTF. Then today I find a fake rock in our front yard with a key in it. OUR house key!!! Turns out she made a ton of copies to make sure she never gets locked out.
I am beyond piiissed. That is all. Sorry it's long.
ETA: I am changing the locks tomorrow.
Re: MIL Overstepping Boundaries!
What?? I would throw the fake rock at her windshield next time she pulls up unannounced.!
I would not mind the visiting part so much but if my own mom copied my key or climbed through the window I would flip out! DH needs to talk to her!
That's way way way beyond over stepping boundaries.
It's time for a serious talk or else it's just going to get worse.
What does your DH say about that?
Oh, and I agree with changing the locks.
Another thing you can do is always be ready to leave when she comes. Just tell her you have plans and that next time she should call. And designate a set time that she can come visit, like Thursday at 2...or whatever.
um ....
I would stop her dead in her tracks by giving the police a phone call and then having them call her.
No joke. SHE BROKE IN? If it were my house that would def. not happen again or I'd call the cops and have her ass arrested. That is really messed up.
DH and I just now had a HUGE talk about this. He is going to now have a big talk with her.
When we first toldher about this she had a hard time understanding that it is not about her visiting, it is the way she is going about it.
I do want to have a good relationship with her, she is just making it hard. There is another awesome story I could tell you about the day Halston was born.....but that is a lot of typing
Oh man do I wish this was MUD. My life would be so muc easier.
Wow! That's definitely overstepping boundaries. I have no words.
I know someone IRL who has a MIL like this. He's come home from work to find his MIL sitting on their couch (while his wife isn't there) watching TV and eating chips. A couple times!
It's nice to hear that I am not being over sensitive (not that I thought I was
Halston is calling....but I will type the other story for Dulaney later!
My MIL used to come to our house and drop things off all the time when we weren't home. I didn't really mind until she once told us that she had sat down and watched a movie. It was just weird. She has her own house to watch movies in, why are you coming to our house when we aren't home.
We now have an alarm (not because of the IL's) and the IL's do not have a passcode, so no more "stopping by".
I hope your DH can get through to your MIL. That is just beyond over stepping boundaries. Good luck.
I think your MIL is C-R-A-Z-Y .... for sure change you locks but how are you going to stop her by coming in the window? you should get an alarm system and not tell her shen she comes in your window the police show up LOL ... LOL
I b!tched my MIL out for opening our mail a couple of times and I had to threaten to go to the authorities in order to get her to stop. Had she broken into my house, I would have pressed charges and changed the locks. Some people will never understand boundaries until people involve the cops.