is it ok or no?
I get eaten up alive EVERY summer I dont want DS to itch like crazy all summer long because of mosquito bites. And they are bad around here because we live right around the corner from a park with a lake and lots of woods.
if its not ok... what do you do?
Re: can we talk bug repelent please
where do you find something like that?
Natural's probably best. Here's my inner Avon lady coming out but the Skin-So-Soft Bug Repellant has no DEET in it. Everyone also tells me that the SSS original bath oil is a great natural bug repellant. This is a horrible sort of dilemma - chemicals or West Nile? Blah.
Sorry just saw this ... I was lucky enough to find some at my regular grocery store. I would try looking at any natural foods store ... or you could check out your local grocery store cause you might get lucky
pyrethrins on my DS clothes are you crazy,
I don't care what your pedi said I wouldn't do it.
Thanks ladies.
Now Ill have to go to the store and start looking at the back to find what I need.
With West Nile around here I was to scared to not use anything.. Im glad Im not the only one.